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Binh Duong youths renovate the movement of helix of responsibility

Update: 23-09-2024 | 14:37:17

The movement of helix of responsibility which involves responsibility to the public, responsibility to the work, and responsibility of oneself has been widespreading among the Youth’s Union. The movement has strongly outreached to young officers and cadres to promote roles and responsibility of profession and to contribute to construction of active and rational staffs.

Model young officers and cadres are praised by Binh Duong provincial Youth’s Union

Profession of community services

Lieutenant Nguyen Thai Duong, an officer of the Provincial Youth Union of the Police, is an exemplary figure with many initiatives, ideas, and responsibilities in implementing effective models and activities in carrying out professional tasks, in the field of administrative reform, and contributing to the successful completion of annual work tasks. He has organized and advised on the implementation of youth projects, models, or activities related to administrative procedures; youth projects for popularization and legal education. Thereby, he directly conducted hundreds of law propaganda sessions at youth union bases, attracting tens of thousands of participants. He also advised on the establishment and management of the "Binh Duong Youth Police" social networking site to carry out propaganda work; effectively implement social security activities, repay gratitude, and programs associated with building new rural areas and civilized urban areas.

With the motto of serving the community professionally and supporting the people professionally, in recent years, Ms. Le Nguyen Minh Nguyet, Secretary of the Youth Union of Thuan An city Health Center, together with young doctors at the center, have not hesitated to overcome difficulties to reach remote areas where there are still many challenges to organize volunteer activities, provide medical examinations, and distribute medicine to people in difficult circumstances. With that achievement, Ms. Minh Nguyet has been praised by the People's Committee of Thuận An City for many consecutive years as an individual who has excellently completed the youth union and children's movement work in the city.

Lieutenant Thai Duong, sister Minh Nguyet are the examples that have concretized the helix responsibilities movement in youth union officials and members. The movement of helix responsibilities with the guiding contents: Responsibility to the people, responsibility to work, and responsibility to oneself, has brought positive impacts in raising the awareness, responsibility, and self-discipline of young officers and cadres in agencies and units. At the same time, it promotes the effective use of collective intelligence, the enthusiastic spirit of youth in undertaking difficult tasks, taking charge of implementing innovative solutions, enhancing administrative reform activities, and fulfilling professional duties.

Innovative services to the public

Recently, the Provincial Youth Union and the Provincial Youth Union Bloc organized the Binh Duong Youth Forum for innovation and creativity in serving the people, associated with the helix responsibilities movement and commended 11 outstanding young officers and cadres at the provincial level in 2024. At the program, youth union officials and members listened to the report on the topic "Binh Duong youth innovating and creating in serving the people, associated with the helix responsibilities movement by 2024"; listened to the speech on "Solutions for implementing the helix responsibilities movement"; listened to the speech on "The current situation of organizing activities on civilized Saturday associated with the characteristics of agencies and units". The thesis on "Enhancing the effective role of responsibility, pioneering exemplary models in building the youth model to meet the requirements of tasks in the digital transformation era". Alongside that, many youth union officials have expressed their lively opinions on new models, effective methods, and the process of striving to implement the helix responsibilities movement at the forum.

In recent years, the helix responsibilities movement has been effectively implemented by the provincial Youth Union Executive Committee. Notable activities include voluntary work by young officials and civil servants in resolving administrative centers, digital transformation work, building smart cities, innovative activities, and international integration.

This time, the provincial Youth Union Executive Committee has commended outstanding young officers and cadres. These are exemplary individuals who actively participate in the work of the Youth Union, Youth Union, and Youth Union with excellent achievements in their work at agencies and units, especially in the field of administrative center reform, and have many innovative experiences in implementing professional tasks. These are the typical representatives in various fields of work who always have a proactive and creative spirit in carrying out assigned tasks, not afraid of difficulties, dare to do and take responsibility; actively propose many ideas and innovative reforms in administrative centers, build a working style and ethics for public servants, and engage in activities.

Mrs. Tran Thi Diem Trinh, Secretary of the provincial Youth Union, said that in recent years, the helix responsibilities movement has been effectively implemented by the Provincial Youth Union Executive Committee. Notable activities include voluntary work by young officials and civil servants to solve administrative center issues, digital transformation work, smart city development, innovative activities, and international integration. This has demonstrated the proactive, voluntary, and creative roles of young officers and cadres in various agencies and units.

To continue to encourage and motivate young officers and cadres to strive and contribute in their work, the provincial Youth Union Executive Committee will continue to organize movements and activities for young officers and cadres; creating an environment for young officials to unleash their creativity in serving the people, so that there will be more outstanding young officers and cadres, with qualities to supplement the pool of mature officials from the activities of the Youth Union.

Reported by Ngoc Nhu – Translated by Vi Bao

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