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Biwase creates breakthrough for vigorous development

Update: 12-04-2023 | 12:28:29

Visiting and working with Binh Duong Water - Environment Joint Stock Company (Biwase) on the morning of April 11, Nguyen Van Loi, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation spoke highly of the company’s results in production and business activities while wanting that the company will further uphold its results, unite, be dynamic and creative to build up a really strong company, making worthy contributions to the overall development of the province as well as improving the quality of people’s life.

Persistence in development goals

Reporting to provincial Party Committee Secretary’s delegation, representative of Biwase said that the company has a total charter capital of nearly VND 1.93 trillion, with the current State capital ratio accounting for 19.44% of total. The company operates in many fields, including exploitation, treatment and supply of clean water; collection and treatment of domestic and industrial waste; collection and treatment of wastewater; production and trading of bottled drinking water, building bricks, cement bricks, fresh concrete and compost. In addition to the province, the company has expanded its operations in Binh Phuoc province, a part in Ho Chi Minh city’s Thu Duc city. Currently, the Biwase water plant system has a capacity of 1 million cubic meters per day with 7 water supply plants using surface water from Dong Nai and Saigon rivers.

Nguyen Van Loi (second right in first row), member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation has a look at Biwase's products

In 2022, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the difficult situation of the economy, the high price of materials affected the company’s investment and production costs. However, with the tradition of solidarity of the cadres and employees, the unity and drastical leadership of the Board of Directors, the company basically met people’s water demand for daily life and production; ensured the service of collection and treatment of waste and wastewater generated in the locality.

So far, Binh Duong Waste Treatment Complex has operated for over 20 years. The complex currently has a scale of 100 hectares with the most modern and synchronous processing technology in Vietnam. Not only treating domestic, industrial wastes, it also produces high-quality, environmentally friendly organic fertilizer products and construction materials. In addition, implementing the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 07/QD TTg dated January 6, 2015 approving the solid waste management plan in Dong Nai river basin to 2030, Biwase has mobilized capital and high-quality personnel to develop the most waste recycling and treating technology, gradually aiming for a higher and higher incineration rate.

According to company leaders, Biwase's products are mainly products and services for public interest, so in addition to the effort to complete criteria on the financial performance evaluation, their effective in terms of environment and urban infrastructure are more important, contributing to improving the quality of people’s life and creating a driving force for the development of Binh Duong province. That is also the cross-cutting goal of Biwase during the construction and development process.

Improving and mastering technology

Along with advantages, Biwase’s production-business situation is also more or less affected by the general difficult situation. In particular, the prices of materials for production, business, and construction investment have many fluctuations, giving rise to the cost of production of products, affecting the profit of the company while the unit prices of the company's products and services have not been properly adjusted yet.

In order to promptly solve difficulties and create favorable conditions for its development, Biwase suggested that the province’s functional sector should have priority and support policies such as prioritizing the use of recycled products, supporting price compensation to reduce the cost of recycled products, making them easy to be consumed. The company’s products such as recycled plastic beads, recycled bricks and recycled organic fertilizers are also subsidized for the consumption market, contributing to protecting the environment and natural resources. In addition, the company proposed relevant sectors to solve difficulties to speed up the progress of land allocation, expanding the second treatment complex before the waste treatment area in Ben Cat town’s Chanh Phu Hoa ward is overloaded in the coming time.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Loi praised and spoke highly of the company's achievements over the past 20 years, making worthy contributions to the local overall development. He wishes that the company will further uphold its results, striving to overcome difficulties for stronger and stronger development. Regarding the company's recommendations, he suggested relevant agencies to consider and settle on the basis of compliance with legal provisions.

Provincial Party Committee Secretary said that the province will be home to about 3 or 3.5 million people by 2030. The province will also invest in construction to become a city under the central management, becoming a smart city. Therefore, the company must also focus on research to invest in expansion and development accordingly. On that basis, Mr. Loi suggested that the company should pay attention to improving technology, implementing digital transformation, selecting and training a contingent of engineers... These are breakthroughs for the company to continue growing rapidly in the near future.

In addition to the company's efforts, provincial Party Committee Secretary also requested relevant departments and sectors to further create all favorable conditions, promoting the company's development, making more worthy contributions to building up a more and more prosperous, civilized, intelligent Binh Dinh province, becoming a place worth living and working.

Focusing on developing new Party members, the Party Committee of Biwase has always paid attention to directing the development of Party members to each Party cell. In 2022, the company’s entire Party Committee admitted 24 new Party members, bringing the total number of Party members to 240. In the first quarter of 2023, the company’s Party cells proposed 36 outstanding individuals to classes for the Party’s candidates organized by the Party Committee of provincial Agencies and Enterprises Bloc.

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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