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Borderland security – the major force of national defense

Update: 03-03-2019 | 19:07:57

In 60 years of construction and development, borderland security force has become major in the cause of protecting territory ownership and national defense.

The teachings of beloved President Ho Chi Minh at the first National Congress of Public Security and the Armed Force in 1962 have become the action mottos for generations of borderland security forces.

Borderland security forces are the major in the course of national defense. Photo: Thu Thao

During the past 60 years, during different periods of revolution, during the war as well as in peace, border guards and soldiers have always fulfilled the tasks assigned by the Party and the State. With so many difficulties, hardships and sacrifices, the soldiers of the border guards raised the will of self-reliance and self-reliance, the spirit of determination to overcome all and stand firmly on the frontier of the border and the sea of ​​the Group country; resolutely take the initiative, and the whole army and the entire people prevail over all enemies, establishing excellent victories. The force of the border guards deserves to be a key force and a core in managing and protecting territorial sovereignty, border security, believing by the Party, State and people.

In addition to the task of protecting and preserving national border security, the border guards are also actively involved in economic, cultural and social development, strengthening political, defense and security bases in the border districts and communes.

Love concentration in the border

Every holiday, Tet, images of many agencies and units of Binh Duong province visiting cadres and soldiers of border posts and people of border communes of Binh Phuoc province have become familiar. There are gifts from material to spiritual like frontier houses, scholarships for poor border students and karaoke for officials and soldiers to organize cultural and artistic activities.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hong, Chairwoman of the Provincial Women's Union, said that every year on the occasion of the Lunar New Year and the traditional day of the border guards, Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee organizes a party of political party to visit and Happy New Year, exchange, visit and give gifts to people, officers and soldiers of border posts with difficult circumstances in Binh Phuoc province. Particularly, the Binh Duong Women's Union and the Binh Phuoc Border Guard Command have carried out the twinning program, coordinating propaganda and participating in protecting territorial sovereignty and border security since 2009.

Accordingly, the Women's Union of districts, towns, cities and units under the provincial Women's Union and affiliated units and border posts often visit, give gifts, encourage officials, soldier; organizing cultural exchanges, sports and physical education, integrating traditional propaganda and education contents and mobilizing female cadres and members to well carry out the work of rear troops, important tasks mind of the association.

In particular, implementing the program "Accompanying women with frontiers" in the period of 2018-2020, jointly organized by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union and the Command of the Border Guard, the past time, Hoi Lien The provincial women's union has promoted its role, done well the propaganda, mobilized the agencies and enterprises to support the budget and the border guards of Binh Phuoc province to build a house of love to the Association's officials and members. Poor women and compatriots on the border area of ​​Binh Phuoc province. Up to now, there have been 21 houses, totaling more than 460 million VND; coordinate with the organization of medical examination and medicine supply, policy family gift giving, poor households in the border area with 1,100 turns of people, worth VND 770 million; giving gifts to disadvantaged students worth VND 675 million.

Besides, the association regularly coordinates exchange of production and husbandry experiences, helps women in border areas to actively work, create and participate in transforming plants and animals in accordance with conditions of each locality, each family, contributing to improving income, improving life.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hong said that the program "Accompanying women with frontiers" has partly contributed to alleviate difficulties and hardships for women in remote border areas, adding motivation for them to reach up in life, bringing happiness and progress to women of ethnic groups in the border area of ​​the country. At the same time, promoting the close tradition and solidarity between Binh Duong Women's Union and Binh Phuoc border guards through the periods, tightening the solidarity between the two units. ”

The precursor of the border guards was the armed police, founded on March 3, 1959. On March 3, 1989, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (now the Prime Minister) issued a regulation to take the 3rd March every year as the Border Day and the 2003 National Border Law stipulating the traditional March 3 every year is the All-People Border Day.

Reported by Thu Thao – Translated by Vi Bao

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