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Bring happy spring to disadvantaged groups

Update: 25-01-2024 | 11:10:16

Caring for people, especially vulnerable people, on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2024 is a meaningful annual activity of all administrative levels, branches, localities, and benefactors of Thuan An City. This activity demonstrated the nation's good tradition of "mutual affection", creating motivation and confidence for the disadvantaged to continue improving their lives.

Thuan An City leaders give Tet gifts to people having difficult circumstances in An Son commune.

Happy Tet in houses

When the apricot blooms with spring buds, many needy families in Thuan An City also gather in new, neat houses and begin to hope for a new year with lots of new joy and happiness. In a house that still smells of paint, Nguyen Van Du, who was born in 1955, lives in An Phu hamlet, An Son commune, happily said that he and his wife are old and cannot go to work, so he can only go looking for firewood and sell them to make a living. Celebrating Tet in a new house is something that the couple have not dared to think about for a long time, but this year this wish has come true. Thanks to the attention and financial support of the local government, the "For the Provincial Poor" Fund Campaign Committee and Vietcombank Binh Duong Branch built a solid, clean and beautiful house costing 100 million VND, thus this year Du's family has a truly warm Tet.

This Tet, joy also comes earlier to Nguyen Van Thanh's family (living in Phu Hung hamlet, An Son commune) when they have a new house. Thanh's family has three members, is a poor household, he himself is disabled and cannot work, his two daughters work away from home. Currently, Thanh lives alone off a monthly allowance given by local government. Sharing with us about the joy of having a new house, Thanh said that now that he has a new house, he is no longer afraid of flooding like before, and every day is warmer. He also did not forget to thank the authorities at all levels and sponsors for their support in building this house.

According to Bui Thi Thu Ha, Deputy Head of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Office of Thuan An City, housing support for policy families and poor households is a regular job of Party committees and local authorities at all levels to help disadvantaged people stabilize their lives. In 2023, the city built and presented 12 “great solidarity” houses with total cost of 1.2 billion VND. In the coming time, the city will continue to mobilize resources to support housing for those in need. In addition, the city also properly, sufficiently and promptly applies regimes and policies for poor households and policy families to have a better life, contributing to local socio-economic development.

Bring meaningful spring to everyone

With the hope that everyone would have a warm and fulfilling new spring, Party committees, authorities, agencies, businesses and people of all walks of life in Thuan An City have joined hands to care for disadvantaged groups. Thereby, gathering more and more resources to support people having difficult circumstances.

Nguyen Thi Hong Xuan, Vice President of Women's Union of Thuan An City, said that on the occasion of traditional Tet festival, Standing Committee of the City Women's Union will organize spring activities for women members and women workers living at lodging houses. In addition, the Women's Union strengthens activities to care for the material and spiritual lives of women workers as well as encourage the spirit of solidarity among all members to join hands for these groups through activities, contests, program giving 100 gifts to disadvantaged women officials and members, Tet gift giving program to members of the City Blind Association, gift giving program to 200 women workers who cannot return to their hometowns to celebrate Tet, and giving gifts to former officials.

Nguyen Thi Hien, Vice Chairwoman of Thuan An City People's Committee, said that every year, the city has a plan to take care of policy beneficiaries, people with meritorious services, poor households, social protection beneficiaries, poor children, and workers who cannot return home to celebrate Tet. This year, the City People's Committee directed Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Office to develop plans and prepare gifts for city leaders to establish delegations visiting and giving gifts to people with meritorious services, policy beneficiaries on the occasion of Lunar New Year Giap Thin 2024. Accordingly, the city will spend the budget more than 9.2 billion VND on caring for disadvantaged groups. Of which, the city spent more than 6.7 billion VND on Tet caring for poor households, social protection beneficiaries and disadvantaged children; 2.5 billion VND spent to support poor workers having extremely difficult circumstances, cannot return home to celebrate Tet.

In addition, the city also sent a delegation to visit and give gifts to 50 sick and poor policy beneficiaries with total expenditure of 100 million VND; mobilized socialization sources to give gifts to military units on New Year's Eve, 6 social protection centers and facilities in the city... Communes, wards, and schools in the city will also call on resources to give many meaningful gifts for people having difficult circumstances to have a warm and happy Tet.

Reported by M.Hieu, D.Huyen - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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