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Bui Minh Thanh, Secretary of Ben Cat town’s Party Committee: Determined to build a comprehensively strong, pure Party and political system

Update: 25-04-2024 | 12:28:34

After 10 years of construction and development, Ben Cat town has achieved important achievements in many fields. On the occasion of the establishment of An Dien and An Tay wards in Ben Cat town, the establishment of Ben Cat city under Binh Duong province and the receipt of the first-class Labor Medal, Binh Duong Newspaper had an interview with comrade Bui Minh Thanh, Secretary of Ben Cat town’s Party Committee on outstanding results in the work of building the Party, government, Fatherland Front and mass organizations.

Could you tell us about the town’s outstanding results in Party building work over the 10 years?

- Over the past time, along with basic advantages, the world’s economic and political situation continued having complicated and unpredictable developments, significantly impacting on the speed of economic recovery and development of the country, the province in general and Ben Cat town in particular. With initiative, creativity and a high sense of responsibility, the town’s Party Committee soon predicted difficulties. Along with the leadership and direction of provincial Party Committee and the support of provincial Party building committees, the town’s Party Committee focused on leading and directing the entire political system to propose fundamental and practical solutions to promptly remove arising problems.

After 10 years of construction and development, Ben Cat town has obtained important achievements in many fields. In picture: A glance of My Phuoc 2 Industrial Park

Accordingly, the town’s socio-economic situation achieved many positive results, with political security, social order and safety maintained, key political tasks implemented well, contributing to completing the goals and tasks of the Resolutions of the Party Congresses of the town and province for the 2020-2025 tenure. The town’s Party, political system building was implemented in a strict, synchronous manner under the regulations, ensuring compliance with directions from higher authorities...

The town’s Party committees at all levels focused on directing and implementing the 12th Politburo’s Directive No. 05-CT/TW on "Acceleration of learning and following late President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle", annual special subjects in association with the implementation of resolutions and conclusions of the 12th and 13th Central Party Committees on building and rectifying the Party and political system as one of the important contents of Party building and rectification work, contributing to building a clean and strong Party, promptly preventing and repelling the deterioration of political ideology, morality lifestyle and manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation".

The town’s Party Standing Committee also paid attention to directing the synchronous and effective implementation of many solutions on the basis of closely following the goals of the Resolution of the town’s 12th Party Congress on political system and staff building; focused on training and fostering a contingent of Party members meeting standards and conditions for planning and appointment of officials and being able to undertake work in the new situation; continued arranging and consolidating the organizational apparatus of agencies and units in the local political system.

In addition, the town also attached special importance to admitting Party members. It is known that since 2020, 629 Party members have been admitted, reaching 89.8% of the target assigned by provincial Party Committee. Among them, there are 46 Party members being workers, reaching 92% of total; 6 Party members being business owners, reaching 200% of total, with 10 Party cells in non-State enterprises, reaching 100% of total.

Over the past time, the town’s work of inspection, supervision and enforcement of Party discipline was carried out methodically and seriously. Disciplinary enforcement by Party committees and inspection committees at all levels was carried out strictly and in accordance with regulations. The work of receiving and resolving complaints and denunciations from employees and people was carried out promptly.

-Along with Party building, what were the town’s results in the work of building the political system, the Fatherland Front and mass organizations over the past time?

- The town’s Party Standing Committee oriented the organization and implementation of mass mobilization, front and mass organization activities to ensure quality and efficiency; regularly paid attention to directing and strengthening the task of organizing, setting up plans to effectively implement the directions of provincial Party Committee; consolidated the Organization Board to implement the Project No.02 of provincial Party Standing Committee, Project on uniting, gathering young workers in the period of 2021-2025 and the Project on supporting resources to carry out the work of building and developing Party organizations and socio-political organizations in non-State enterprises for the period of 2022-2025.

- The work of government building over the past time also achieved many remarkable results. Could you please tell us more specifically about this work?

- The town’s authorities at all levels well performed functions, tasks and powers under the law, meeting the requirements of socio-economic development, ensuring national defense-security and basically completing many important targets set by the province and town over the past time. The work of annual administrative reform and digital transformation had positive changes. In 2022, the town’s administrative reform index ranked 3rd among the province’s districts, towns and cities. The implementation of the Project No.06 got more comprehensive and profound. The implementation of online public services on the basis of the national population database was promoted, bringing practical results. The issuance of level 2 electronic identity accounts was effective.

- Could you please tell us about the direction and key political tasks of the town in the coming time?

-The town will focus on perfecting the organizational structure right after upgrading the administrative unit from a town to a city, creating a legal basis to stabilize the Party's grassroots organization and State administrative apparatus. Specifically, the town will perfect institutions related to Party and political system building; promptly promulgate regulations, rules, directives, resolutions, programs and plans on building the Party's political system under the Charter of the Party, regulations and resolutions of the Party Central Committee and provincial Party Committee.

The town will continue thoroughly grasping and effectively implement the 13th Party Central Committee’s Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW dated October 25, 2021 on promoting the building and rectification of the Party and political system; resolutely prevent, push back and strictly handle Party members with degradation in political ideology, morality and lifestyle, manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation"; implement the Party Central Committee’s Regulation No. 37-QD/TW on the “things that Party members must not do”, provincial Party Committee’s Regulation No. 03-QD/TU dated December 12, 2017 on setting examples among Party members, especially leaders at all levels of the town, study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle in association with the special subject on applying Ho Chi Minh's ideology in the process of building and implementing resolutions so that "the Party’s will meets the people's hearts".

Next is to promote democracy, tighten discipline and innovation; organize various forms of dialogue with voters, periodically receive citizens, hold forums to listen to people's opinions..., thereby promptly listening to voters and people’s thoughts and legitimate aspirations in order to propose solutions to promptly resolve remaining problems...

The town will also get involved in the fight against corruption and negativity; carry out decentralization, inspection and supervision, power control; strengthen the roles and responsibilities of each level of Party committee members, especially heads of Party committees and authorities; regularly inspect and supervise Party members, civil servants and public employees; focus on building a contingent of officials at all levels, especially leaders who are qualified, capable and reputable, on par with their tasks; improve leadership capacity, fighting strength of grassroots Party organizations and quality of Party members; make efforts to complete the target of admitting Party members in the 2020-2025 tenure; strive to complete the Resolution of the town’s 12th Party Congress, key programs and projects for the 2020-2025 tenure...

- Thank you!

Ben Cat town’s Party Committee currently has 39 Party committees and cells, including 26 Party cells and 13 Party committees. The Executive Board of the town 12th Party Committee for the 2020-2025 tenure has 39 members. There are 215 members of the Executive Boards of grassroots Party committees, cells for the 2020-2025 tenure. The Party's grassroots organization system is established to correspond to the State's administrative organization system...

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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