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Build a cultural and civilized community from green - clean - beautiful programs

Update: 27-06-2024 | 13:43:06

To implement Project 02 on "Mass mobilization work to participate in building a cultural and civilized lifestyle in Binh Duong province, period 2021-2025", with the goal of developing civilized, modern, and worth living Binh Duong, in recent times, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in the province have had many practical solutions and programs to build a cultural and civilized lifestyle, creating green - clean - beautiful urban landscapes.

The cooperation of volunteers of Self-Management Groups for Environmental Protection has helped urban roads become cleaner and more beautiful.

Volunteers keeps the green

For many years, the image of members wearing blue shirts of the Environmental Protection Self-Management Groups established by the Fatherland Front; blue shirts of women members; blue shirts of officers and soldiers of armed forces, blue shirts of veterans; blue shirts of youth union members etc. sweeping trash on streets, planting trees, clearing grass on canals, and clearing water flows, are no longer strange to people in the province.

At 6 a.m., when many people were still sleeping and enjoying the weekend, 400 members of the environmental protection self-management groups in Thu Dau Mot City gathered to clean up and implement the program “City without trash”. On each motorbike is a broom that each person actively carries to clean the roads. In addition to members of the environmental protection self-management groups, there were also youth union members from Thu Dau Mot University who joined hands to clean up Tran Van On street.

Hundreds of people, some young, some with gray hair, but did not mind cleaning the streets for a more beautiful, greener city. Not only on urban streets like in Thu Dau Mot, in rural districts, that blue shirt color also often appears in campaigns to clean up the environment, collect waste, plant flowers and trees, clear the flow... Therefore, spacious, green roads filled with colorful flowers have appeared everywhere, contributing to beautifying the remote areas’ appearance of the province...

Environmental protection activities of all levels of the Fatherland Front, Women's Union, Veterans Association, Youth Union, military units in the province are not simply environmental sanitation activities but also create spread; raise each individual and each family’s sense of responsibility of protecting the environment.

Diversity of models

Many years ago, a vacant area near Ong Dong Quarter Office (Tan Hiep Ward, Tan Uyen City) gathered a lot of trash, became a dumping ground causing environmental pollution and loss of urban aesthetics. To improve this situation, the quarter’s Steering Committee coordinated with the Fatherland Front Work Committee and youth unions to implement the model "Turning dumps into flower gardens" to renovate this area into a flower garden. The flower garden was renovated by officials and people of Ong Dong quarter and is now like a small roadside park with hundreds of colorful flower trees. It is known that the land for growing flowers with an area of 900 square meters was donated by Ms. An Thi Kim Anh's family in Ong Dong neighborhood to build and upgrade the neighborhood office and create space for recreation and exercise activities of local people.

To effectively implement Project 02, recently, Standing Committee of Provincial Fatherland Front Committee has strengthened the implementation of this project in association with the campaign "All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized urban areas". Thereby, many units have implemented many good programs and effective methods, creating consensus and having people's active participation.

In the past three years, the Fatherland Front at all levels in the province has mobilized the active participation of people from all walks of life in building new rural areas and civilized urban areas by specific and practical actions, such as contributing work days, donating land, works on land, contributing funds to repair and upgrade roads, installing lights on roads... with a total cost of over 133 billion VND. Some typical programs of the Fatherland Front in localities can be mentioned, such as: building and launching the contest "Beautiful and civilized streets" in the city Fatherland Front system and wards in Di An City; Fatherland Front at all levels in Thuan An City coordinated with the city's Office of Natural Resources and Environment to inspect and supervise "garbage-free neighborhoods and hamlets" in 10 communes and wards...

As joining hands to implement Project 02, recently, Women's Union at all levels in the province has integrated this work with the campaign "Building a 5-zero, 3-clean family", the emulation movement "Smart mass mobilization", "Building an urban culture and environment lifestyle", with the spirit of innovation, increasing initiative and creativity for unions at all levels. With practical work and specific actions, unions at all levels in the province registered to carry out 377 projects, contributing to building new rural areas and urban areas; maintained the operation of 79 branches, clubs, and groups "Building a 5-zero, 3-clean family" combined with building new rural areas, environmental protection, civilized urban areas, and attracted more than 8,600 members. Unions at all levels have also developed models, such as: “Green - clean - beautiful road”, “Green trees and flowers”, “Clean alleys, beautiful gates”, “Food safety market”, scrap collection..., thereby contributing to the successful implementation of Project 02 .

Mr. Bui Thanh Nhan, Standing Member, Head of Provincial Party Mass Mobilization Committee: Project 02 on "Mass mobilization work to participate in building a cultural and civilized urban lifestyle in Binh Duong province, period 2021-2025" is a very important project to develop Binh Duong into a smart, modern, and worth living city. The implementation of the project has contributed to raising awareness, changing people's behaviors and habits to build an increasingly cultural and civilized living environment. After more than 3 years, the project has achieved some important results, most of the target groups set out at the beginning of the term were satisfied...

Reported by Huynh Thuy - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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