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Building a cultural and civilized community in every way of thinking and doing

Update: 12-04-2024 | 11:45:06

Cultural and civilized lifestyle seem to be abstract concepts but are realized through each person's daily words and actions. To build "Binh Duong's sustainable development towards a smart, civilized and modern city", citizens must first be cultured and civilized in every way of thinking and doing.

The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Tan Binh Ward (Di An City) and other neighborhoods encourage people to clean up and beautify local streets.

One for all

Binh Duong is a province with a rapid population growth rate, so cultivating civilized people always receives special attention by all levels, sectors and localities in the province. In public places or in residential areas, indifference, insensitivity, and irresponsibility towards vulnerable people that make public opinion angry are only rare actions. Image of two brothers Le Nguyen Minh Dat, student of class 8A3, and Le Nguyen Minh Tien, student of class 6A6 of Tru Van Tho Junior High School in Bau Bang district, receiving a gift from their grandmother from abroad (100 USD), but they did not leave it for themselves but decided to donate to the commune's "For the Poor" Fund, which is a beautiful deed. With the spirit of "Young people do small things", the hearts of two brothers, Dat and Tien, have contributed to spreading the charity spirit in the local community, helping the poor feel warm-hearted and overcome difficulties in their lives.

Or the case of the kind landlady Pham Thi Minh Chau in Thanh Binh neighborhood, An Thanh ward, Thuan An city. She cares about workers in her lodging house every little bit, every time they are sick, she comes to encourage and help them. When the workers are in difficulty and need, she is ready to open her arms. Children of workers did not have enough money to pay tuition and buy books, she went to many places to call on benefactors with the hope that the children can continue to go to school. In particular, she established capital support groups to help women workers develop their businesses at home to improve income. To avoid capital loss, she established the "Group of women workers from the same hometown", using her reputation to retain workers. Last year, she helped 25 women workers borrow money to buy necessary household items, such as motorbikes and televisions, creating conditions for the workers' children to continue going to school.

Two brothers Le Nguyen Minh Dat and Le Nguyen Minh Tien donate money to "For the Poor" Fund.

Above are just two out of hundreds of thousands of shining examples in the province who act for everyone. Living for everyone, building a civilized cultural lifestyle is not only shown in sharing and helping but also appears in many other aspects of daily life. Business people build a civilized and commercial lifestyle, do not sell dishonestly, or avoid tax evasion. Workers in the province are "professional, responsible, efficient", always improving techniques, applying new technology, improving productivity and product quality. For companies and businesses, they must comply with the law, uphold business ethics, share benefits and uphold responsibilities towards the community. Public employees well implement the message "discipline, set an example, and be responsible", always be exemplary, devoted to work, often close to the people, serving for the people.

Integrate cultural lifestyle with new rural construction and civilized urbanization

The 11th Provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term determined the goal of "Building Binh Duong province for sustainable development towards a smart, civilized and modern urban area". To achieve this goal, the province advocates linking the movement "All people unite to build a cultural life" with the national target program to build new rural areas and civilized cities. Emulation movements have created momentum and strongly spread new models and good practices to help people escape poverty and develop socio-economic development. Thereby, in the province there have been more and more examples of good people and good deeds with noble actions and gestures that both foster traditions and contribute to forming a new appropriate system of values and social standards with the "kind-hearted" identity of Binh Duong people.

Dang Xuan Doi, who lives in Phu Thinh 1 hamlet, An Thai commune, Phu Giao district, an example in the movement to build new rural areas and civilized urban areas, said: “My family always believes that each individual's personality is formed and developed from the family foundation. Building a cultural family is the basis for building civilized people and society. Therefore, in addition to forming family customs, my family also pioneered donating more than 1,600 square meters of land to open a traffic connection route from the Commune People's Committee to residential areas along the Be River.

Talking about building a cultural and civilized urban lifestyle in the area, Pham Van Bay, Vice Chairman of Di An City People's Committee, said: “Cultural lifestyle is expressed in every way of thinking, doing, and daily living of people. It is formed from each person's sense of responsibility and self-awareness. Units, localities, and organizations in the city will continue to strongly arouse the sense of responsibility and self-awareness of each citizen in movements in residential areas. This is a fundamental factor to build civilized urban criteria to achieve sustainable results."

Emulation movements have created momentum and strongly spread new good practices to help people escape poverty and develop socio-economic development. Thereby, in the province there have been more and more examples of good people and good deeds with noble actions and gestures that both foster traditions and contribute to forming a new appropriate system of values and social standards with the "kind-hearted" identity of Binh Duong people.

Reported by Kim Ha - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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