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Building up smart and sustainable IPs

Update: 11-12-2023 | 11:03:03

Going through a long journey of construction and development, Binh Duong recognized that the choice to build concentrated industrial park (Ips) in the previous period was creative and correct, contributing to turning the province into an industrial urban area, with the highest per capita income in the country and was considered as one of the development models in the national renewal process by many experts.

Solid foundation

As of now, Binh Duong has become a leading locality in attracting investment in IPs, shifting the local economy from pure agriculture to industrial - urban – service development. Compared to the whole country, Binh Duong currently accounts for 9% in quantity of IPs and 13% in area of IPs. Up to now, the province has established 29 Ips, with a total planning area of ​​over 12,700 hectares. Of these, 28 IPs have been put into operation with a total area of ​​over 10,000 hectares. The IPs have leased land with an occupancy rate of over 90%.

VSIP 1, a modern, green IP has become a model for industrial park development in many provinces and cities nationwide

The image of Binh Duong has really changed. Around the IPs, there is an entire urban ecosystem formed to serve the lives of residents of the industrial area. If Binh Duong more than ten years ago had more than 1 million rural residents, accounting for 70% of the province's population, then now there has been a spectacular breakthrough, with more than 84% of Binh Duong's population being city dwellers, a proportion highest in the country. Especially, after more than 25 years of operation, Binh Duong’s VSIP Industrial Park model has spread widely to all 3 regions: North - Central - South. VSIP has become a model for concentrated IP development domestically and internationally. The effectiveness and wide spread of the VSIP brand is also a vivid testament to a dynamic, innovative, integrated and sustainable Binh Duong.

According to Dr. Huynh Ngoc Dang, from traditional IPs, the generations of IPs have appeared in Binh Duong one after another. Particularly, in 1997, traditional IPs were formed and in 2002, they converted to an IP model combining urban and service areas. In 2022, the province gradually moved to a model of green IPs towards sci-tech IPs. To develop sustainable industry, create a fundamental infrastructure breakthrough for the formation of an innovation ecosystem, attract investment with high added value and create a premise for high-tech production, Binh Duong has implemented the project of "Innovation Zone". Particularly, Binh Duong has implemented the construction of a sci-tech IP in Bau Bang district. According to the project, in the coming period, Binh Duong is positioning a new segment, which is industrial development in association with the development of sci-tech and innovation. Thus, Binh Duong has chosen the industrial park model to produce other generations of industrial parks that are more intelligent and modern.

Towards new industrial ecosystem

Binh Duong is becoming one of the leading localities in attracting investment into IPs. Currently, many industrial parks have become brands, helping Binh Duong attract many large-scale businesses and multinational corporations. However, in order to further maintain attractiveness to investors, Binh Duong will upgrade existing IPs to become smarter while making planning for new IPs towards modernity and ecology.

Grasping and quickly adapting to the continuous development of science and technology while establishing a solid foundation for the sustainable development of Binh Duong, the province's new generation IPs, namely VSIP 3, sci-tech IP...will bring a comprehensive ecosystem for technology and knowledge-intensive activities. These IPs are expected to play a key role in converting current IPs into smart IPs, gradually helping Binh Duong get a solid foundation in science, mastering and creating new production tools, based on science and technology, preparing for meeting new challenges and opportunities in the digital era, the era of industry 4.0.

Nguyen Van Hung, CEO of Becamex IDC said that a locality that wants to develop and attract investment must be based on providing a comprehensive ecosystem with key points through planning green IPs, interwoven with urban, commercial and service areas. Along with building social housing projects, resettlement areas for people belonging to subjects compensation and site clearance, and high-end urban areas for investors, Becamex IDC has focused on building a high-quality traffic, healthcare, and education ecosystem at all levels to serve the learning needs of children of investors, experts and workers taking jobs in industrial parks.

“In the new phase of facing the middle-income trap, Binh Duong needs to improve its development model as soon as possible, focusing on new-style ecosystems, smart industrial ecosystems, taking innovation, science and technology as the driving force, taking the development of high-quality human resources as focus, based on the province's development philosophy: "Effective investment environment - Harmonious humane society - dynamic and creative government", Binh Duong is confident that it will overcome challenges, rising to a new segment, contributing to the country's socio-economic development", said Mr. Hung.

After more than a quarter of a century, thanks to catching up with the country's development and integration trends to soon shape the direction with its own way, Binh Duong has made breakthrough changes in many aspects. Binh Duong has become one of the country’s top localities in industrial development, where many of the world's leading corporations converge, bringing the locality to participate in the global value chain, thereby more clearly affirming the role and position of an innovative, dynamic and creative Binh Duong.

Mai Hung Dung, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee said: “The success of IPs has contributed to creating a dynamic and developed Binh Duong. When the occupancy rate of IPs is quite high, Binh Duong is accelerating the adjustment and re-planning of IPs in a smart-ecological direction to attract high-tech industries..., bringing economic efficiency and more sustainable development”.

Reported by Ngoc Thanh-Translated by Kim Tin

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