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Businesses in Bau Bang soon stabilize production after Tet

Update: 02-03-2018 | 15:28:12

On the Tet (Lunar New Year) festival 2018, along with the State’s policies, businesses in Bau Bang district took good care of laborers via such significant activities as giving bus tickets for them to return home for Tet…Upon this, as of now, the rate of laborers coming back to work after Tet is high.

Laborers’ rights and interests ensured

Reportedly, Bau Bang district instructed the local functional agencies to grasp the situation of year-end salary and bonus payment at 30 businesses outside industrial parks (Ips) and 46 ones inside Ips.

Laborers of RK Resources Co. after working hours

Le Khac Tri, Chairman of the district’s People’s Committee said that according to the result of the inspection, the majority of businesses carried out the adjustment of region-based minimum wage levels under the Government’s Decree No.141/2017 while well realizing policies on health insurance, social insurance and Tet bonus payment for laborers

According to the district’s People’s Committee, the average Tet bonus level of managerial officials was between VND24million-VND60million per person. The figure of direct laborers was between VND1million and VND9.5million per person…

Some businesses also gave Tet gifts worth between VND100,000 and VND500,000 each for laborers; supported bus and train tickets for need laborers to return home for Tet; organized art performances, parties…for laborers who stayed in the locality for Tet.

Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong, Chairwoman of the district’s Labor Union said that some businesses, especially ones in animal husbandry were very flexible in dealing with issues relating to Tet days-off for laborers.

Most laborers coming back to work

According to statistics by the district’s Labor Union, as of now, most laborers at district-based businesses have come back to work after Tet. For 57 businesses with trade union locals under the district’s Labor Union, the rate of laborers returning to work has reached more than 95%. Businesses in the Bau Bang Industrial Park have resumed work after Tet.

Representative of RK Resources Company’s trade union local said that on the last Tet festival, the company realized Tet bonus policies for laborers as stipulated. For laborers living away from home with difficult circumstances, they were supported bus tickets, gifts and VND500,000 in cash for each. With such incentives, the rate of laborers coming back to work has gained more than 90%.

Mrs.Phuong said that the above result came from the efforts by the local functional agencies and businesses in taking good care of laborers on Tet. Besides, trade union locals strengthened propaganda among laborers, raising their awareness while mobilizing them to share difficulties with enterprises.

Reported by H.Pham-V.Thang-Translated by K.T

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