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Businesses with the Party organization work effectively

Update: 03-02-2012 | 00:00:00

Businesses with the Party organization under provincial Business Bloc’s Party Committee over the past time have worked effectively. Despite the impacts of the global economic downturn, they have still taken fruits in production and trading activities, contributing to promoting the province’s socio-economic development.


Good business


Businesses with the Party organizations, especially State-owned ones, have played an important role in the process of the province’s socio-economic development.


According to provincial Business Bloc’s Party Committee, businesses in the bloc last year maintained their decisive role in controlling over the macroeconomy in line with the province’s common development, contributing to curbing inflation and ensuring social welfare.


State-owned businesses last year achieved VND37.611trillion in total revenue, paid VND3.887trillion for State budget or 18% of the province’s total State budget revenue and reached VND2.997trillion in profit.

   Production and trading at a business with the Party organization

Noticeably, Becamex IDC, Binh Duong Production- Import Export Corporation, Thanh Le General Trading-Import Export Corporation, Binh Duong Lottery One-Member Co.Ltd.,…took many effective business measures with total revenue accounting for 60% of total revenue of State-owned businesses in the bloc.


Many key projects were still worked out in difficult conditions to create a momentum for promoting the local socio-economic development in the next years. For example, Binh Duong Water Supply, Drainage and Environment One-Member Co.Ltd. last year reached VND480bln in revenue, VND82.5bln in pre-tax profit and paid VND20bln for State budget, a year-on-year increase of 8%.


One of the reasons leading to the above results was the high determination of the company’s Party Committee in instructing and running the activities of the company under the set targets, said company General Director Nguyen Van Thien.


Further striving to fulfill targets


Till now, businesses in the bloc have put forward 2012’s development plans and measures. As planned, Binh Duong Water Supply, Drainage and Environment One-Member Co.Ltd. will further maintain a minimum growth of 15%; strive to reach more than VND432bln in total revenue; develop additional 12,000-13,000 new clients; reduce the rate of water loss to 9%...


For 2012’s tasks well fulfilled, provincial Business Bloc’s Party Committee has made the leaderships plans for each Party organization in the bloc. Particularly, the Party Committee has set main tasks in Q2 2012 are to continue effectively implementing the Resolutions of Party congresses at all levels, bringing them into life via concrete programs which are in line with the real situation of each unit; execute inspection and monitoring of cadres and Party members at units; instruct the organization of the Party and New Year celebrations…


Reported by K.Tan-Translated by K.T


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