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By 2030, the province strives to have 90% people of working age proficiently using digital services

Update: 13-04-2023 | 11:08:38

According to a target in Provincial People's Committee’s plan on the implementation of Project "Raising awareness, universalizing skills, and developing national digital transformation until 2025, with orientation towards 2030", leaders at all levels and branches in agencies, organizations, and enterprises must be deeply aware of digital transformation in order to direct the implementation of digital transformation at their agency, organization, or unit. People are provided with information to raise their awareness of the Party's guidelines, the State's policies and laws on digital transformation on the media and social networks.

The plan also sets out a goal to strive for: 100% of leading officials, civil servants, and public employees in state agencies will be trained and updated their knowledge of digital transformation, digital skills, and digital technology; 100% of full-time staff in charge of information technology and digital transformation are trained in digital technology; by 2030, 90% of people of working age will know about online public services and other essential digital services in fields of public healthcare, education, transportation, tourism, and banking; proficient in how to use services when needed…

Reported by Ho Van - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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