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By 2030, the Southeast region will lead the country in education and training

Update: 19-04-2023 | 13:11:00

On April 18, at Binh Duong Provincial Exhibition and Convention Center, Ministry of Education and Training held a conference on education training develop in the Southeast region until 2030, with a vision for 2045; disseminated Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW dated October 7, 2022 of the Politburo on socio-economic development and ensuring national defense and security in the Southeast region until 2030, with a vision for 2045. The conference was attended by Tran Hong Ha, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister; and leaders of ministries, the Central agencies, and localities in the Southeast region. On the side of Binh Duong province, Nguyen Van Loi, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial National Assembly delegation; Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, were at the meeting.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha and leaders of the Central Committee and localities in the Southeast region attend the conference. 

 Identify features of education in the Southeast region

According to the Ministry of Education and Training, basically, 100% of commune-level units in the Southeast region have preschools and high schools. Most communes have junior high schools, and every district has high schools. As of the 2020-2021 school year, the whole region has 7,871 preschools, high schools, and continuing education centers, an increase of more than 1,000 educational institutions compared to the 2010-2011 school year. As of June 2022, the whole region has 57 universities and 316 vocational training institutions with key occupations meeting regional and international standards, meeting the requirements of high-quality human resource for socio-economic development of the region.

Material facilities and teaching equipment are invested, reach standardization and modernization; eliminated 3-shift classrooms, degraded classrooms, and temporary classrooms, ensuring the basis for the implementation of preschool and general education programs. The number of schools meeting the standards is increasing every year, creating favorable conditions to mobilize and encourage children going to school.

According to the Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son, education training branch of the Southeast region achieved important and remarkable results thanks to the leadership and direction of the Party committees and authorities, the efforts of the teachers and educational administrators, the attention of the whole society. However, this branch still have shortcomings and difficulties, such as: The rate of schools meeting national standards is still low; there is still overcrowding in schools and training institutions; The quality of care and education for children and students in industrial parks and export processing zones is still limited...

At the conference, the Ministry of Education and Training also put forward tasks and solutions to develop education training branch of the Southeast region until 2030, with a vision for 2045. Namely, by 2030, with a vision for 2045, education training branch of the Southeast region strives to rank first in the country and belong to the leading group in Southeast Asia.

Specific mechanisms and policies

Throughout the conference, representatives of the Southeast regions had discussions about the development of education training and human resources; digital transformation in education training; develop a contingent of teachers to meet the requirements of education training reform, and implement the 2018 general education program… Besides, the delegates also shared information, experience, as well as difficulties, problems, and suggestions to develop education training at regional and local levels.

According to Tran Tuyet Minh, Vice Chairwoman of Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee, the downsizing of education training branch should not be carried out in the direction of average, leveling, but must be based on the reality of each locality. It is necessary to have a policy and remuneration regime for teachers to feel secure with long-term employment. For students in remote and disadvantaged areas, it is necessary to have a regime to reduce costs or provide free new textbooks to ensure learning conditions for them… With the same viewpoint, Nguyen Son Hung, Vice Chairman of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee, suggested ministries and branches do not streamline the payrolls of education training sector, especially in localities having many industrial parks in order to ensure teaching staff and meet the annual increasing demand of students.

On the side of Binh Duong province, Vo Van Minh said that in order to effectively implement the tasks assigned by Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of the Politburo, in the coming time, Binh Duong will mobilize and utilize internal resources, take advantage of the support, coordination, and assistance of relevant agencies and organizations to continue prioritizing the comprehensive development of education training on many levels. The province also has a land use plan, construction planning based on the situation and practical conditions of the province to arrange land fund, investment funds for construction and development of a network of schools and classes for all education levels on a yearly, medium and long-term basis to ensure that students have enough learning places, especially children of workers.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha highly appreciated and recognized the efforts of education training branch in the Southeast region. The Deputy Prime Minister affirmed that Southeast Asia is the largest development center, the biggest locomotive in all aspects; this includes a great contribution of education training branch. However, the region has some limitations. The problem is how to help the Southeast region's education training branch overcome all challenges and gain as many achievements as expected.

“In order to do this, localities need to carefully study Resolution 24 of the Politburo to have a specific plan on developing the education training network suitable to the characteristics of each province, focusing on socialization of education. Localities need to define investment in education as an investment for long-term development, so it is necessary to renew models and organizations, pioneering activities to train and attract talents, experts, scientists, especially high-quality human resources, contributing to the development of the region," emphasized Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha.

 Reported by Hong Phuong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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