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Catholic community in Binh Duong always live with the motto of “Good life, good religion"

Update: 24-12-2013 | 00:00:00

The Catholic community in the province in 2013 continued upholding the spirit of patriotic emulation and launched the emulation movement of “Building up advanced parishes, exemplary Catholic families” in association with the campaign of “The entire people consolidate to build a cultural lifestyle in residential quarters with good life, good religion”. Especially during the 2013 Christmas season, Catholic followers at province-based parishes have always upheld the motto of “Living for all people” and actively got involved in social charity activities. 

Party Politburo member and Chairman of the VFF Nguyen Thien Nhan (forth left) together with provincial leaders extending Christmas greetings to provincial Catholic Solidarity Committee and Phu Cuong Bishop Office

Good life, good religion

Provincial Fatherland Front Committees (FFCs) at all levels in 2013 continued cooperating with the local functional agencies to excel at mobilizing Catholic dignitaries and followers to follow the Party and State’s guidelines and laws in the motto of “Good life, good religion” and actively respond to patriotic emulation movements launched by provincial FFCs at all levels.

Particularly, Catholic orders, parishes and dioceses in the province joined hands with provincial FFCs at all levels to register for the titles of “Cultural family”, “Advanced residential quarter”, thereby helping them live and work in accordance with the law, prevent social evils and reach many positive effects.

Catholic followers in TDM city’s Phu Cuong ward, Thuan An town, Phu Giao and Tan Uyen districts…actively studied and followed the Party and State’s guidelines and laws; made opinions to the drafting of amendments to the 1992 Constitution and national construction and defense movements.

During the 2007 and 2013 period, the Catholic community in the province raised nearly VND38bln for public healthcare, study promotion, urban rejuvenation and social charity activities. They also mobilized more than VND7.5bln to help each other in economic development and poverty reduction while contributing more than VND5.3bln to welfare works in residential quarters.

Priest Vu Khac Anh Tam, Chief of Phu Cuong Bishop Office said that Catholic dignitaries and followers in the province over the past time continued well realizing emulation movements launched provincial Catholic Solidarity Committee, contributing to building up a more civilized and modern Binh Duong. Many quarters and hamlets where are crowded with Catholic followers made solidarity in building a cultural lifestyle, preserved and uphold national identities in all activities and won the annual titles of “cultural quarter, hamlet”. Upon this, the lives of Catholic followers herein were improved considerably. Phu Cuong Bishop Office’s Board for Humanity also actively mobilized Catholic followers to respond to social charity activities, including awarding scholarships, providing free meals…

Upholding patriotic spirit

Pham Van Canh, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Council said that Catholic followers in the province always lived with the motto of “Good life, good religion” and actively got involved in social charity activities for the community over the past time. He added that they made great contributions to the local industrialization and modernization process; well realized patriotic emulation movements, contributing to the local development.

In his recent visit to Binh Duong, Party Politburo member and Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Nguyen Thien Nhan visited Phu Cuong Bishop Office and spoke highly of contributions done by Catholic followers in the province, especially the role of Catholic parishes, orders and dignitaries in mobilizing Catholic followers to live with the motto of “good life, good religion” while hoping that they would continue upholding their patriotic spirit and have a strong attachment with the local authorities and Fatherland Front Committees at all levels, thereby helping build of a civilized and modern Binh Duong. He also wished provincial Catholic Solidarity Committee, Phu Cuong Bishop Office and Catholic followers a happy and merry Christmas.

In 2013, provincial FFC also created favorable conditions for provincial Catholic Solidarity Committee to successfully organize the 7th provincial congress of Catholics for the 2013 and 2018 tenure. At the congress, provincial People’s Committee awarded the certificates of merit to 4 collectives and 5 individuals for their excellent performance in the patriotic emulation movement in the 2007 and 2013 period. Provincial FFC also presented the certificates of merit to 21 outstanding collectives and individuals in the movement of “The entire people consolidate to build a cultural lifestyle in residential quarters with good life, good religion”…

Reported by Ho Van-Translated by K.T

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