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Ceremony marks Vietnam-Azerbaijan relations

Update: 24-07-2019 | 14:41:29

A ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s visit to Baku, capital of Azerbaijan, was held in Hanoi on July 23.

At the ceremony

Jointly organised by the Vietnam-Azerbaijan Friendship Association (VAFA) under the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO), and the Azerbaijani Embassy in Vietnam, the event contributed to bolstering the relationship between the two nations.

 Speaking at the ceremony, Chairman of the VAFA Nghiem Vu Khai recalled Ho Chi Minh’s visit to Baku 60 years ago, when the late Vietnamese leader said that he hopes Azerbaijan will help Vietnam develop oil and gas industry.

The official also highlighted the developing relations between Vietnam and Azerbaijan in recent years, saying that Azerbaijan universities have helped Vietnam train thousands of engineers, naval officers, and scientists.

The Vietnam-Azerbaijan relationship has been strengthened in all channels of Party, State, parliament and people-to-people friendship.

The establishment of the Azerbaijani Embassy, the VAFA and the Center of Azerbaijani History and Culture Studies in Vietnam has contributed to fostering the all-around relations between the two countries.

Expressing her joy at the recently strong developments of the Vietnam-Azerbaijan relations, Chairwoman of the VUFO Nguyen Phuong Nga thanked the Azerbaijani Government and people for their valuable support for Vietnam’s struggle for independence in the past and its national construction at present.

Vietnam also highly values Azerbaijan’s support at international forums, Nga said.

She laid a stress on the important role played by people-to-people diplomacy in further promoting cooperation between the two nations.

Counsellor of Azerbaijani Embassy in Vietnam Tamerlan Khalilov said Vietnam is one of his country’s important partners in Southeast Asia, expressing his belief that the traditional relations between the two countries will be strengthened and deepened in the future.






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