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Commando Brigade 429 meets with recruiters

Update: 15-01-2024 | 13:14:32

Commando Brigade 429 has just coordinated with the Military Service Councils of communes, wards and towns in the province to organize a "3 meet-s, 4 know-s" visit for recruiters in 2024.

Accordingly, the delegation directly met with recruiters and their families to grasp their thoughts and aspirations; exchanged with local authorities to understand the health situation, educational level, biography, and moral qualities of the recruiters. The Military Service Councils of communes, wards and towns also propagandized the regimes and policies of the Party and State to recruiters and their families, helping them clearly understand about their rights and obligations of each citizen when joining the army.

The above work plays an important role, helping localities and units receiving recruiters to firmly grasp the quantity and quality of recruiters as well as their thoughts, aspirations and circumstances, ensuring good recruitment and calling of citizens to join the army in 2024.

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by Kim Tin

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