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Comments and suggestions on the draft document of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Congress collected

Update: 15-06-2024 | 10:46:38

On the morning of June 14, the Standing Committee of Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front continued to hold a conference to discuss and contribute to the draft document of the 10th provincial and national Vietnam Fatherland Front Congress, term 2024-2029. Ms. Nguyen Thi My Hang, Chairwoman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, chaired the conference.

The 10th Provincial Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, term 2024-2029, undertakes the task of comprehensively evaluating front work associated with the results of implementing the Resolution of the 9th Provincial Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, drawing lessons, and at the same time setting goals, tasks, and solutions for the next term. With the draft document of the 10th National Congress, there are 5 new points and 3 breakthroughs of the whole term based on the requirements of front work in the new situation...

At the conference, delegates contributed some opinions on coordination as well as activities of member organizations, criticism, and reflection of the people's situation; activities aimed at the poor, the elderly, and the lonely... In addition, some delegates also provided comments and documents related to the actual situation of the province, and evaluated key campaigns and movements of the province... In the new term, delegates also want to organize thematic conferences with member organizations; strengthen training sessions for frontline officers at the grassroots level...

Speaking at the conclusion of the conference, Ms. Nguyen Thi My Hang acknowledged and received comments from the delegates. The Vietnam Fatherland Front of the province will research and supplement the congress documents with appropriate opinions and recommendations.

Reported by H.Thuy, H.Loc - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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