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Community needs to join hands in donating blood to save lives

Update: 07-04-2014 | 00:00:00

The voluntary blood donation campaign in Binh Duong continued receiving an enthusiastic response of people from all strata with positive results over the past time. There were 10,000 units of blood donated in 2012 and the figure increased to 13,500 in 2013. It is expected that 14,500 units of blood will be given in 2014 under the campaign. But now, only 0.78% of the province’s total population take part in the voluntary blood donation campaign. In the coming time, the local functional agencies will focus on well realizing propaganda and mobilization task so that the campaign gets better results. 

Staff of Prudential Life Insurance Company taking part in the voluntary blood donation campaign

Always looking towards others

Tran Thi Lien, Deputy Head of provincial Steering Board for Voluntary Blood Donation Mobilization cum Chairwoman of provincial Red Cross Society said that the province’s voluntary blood donation campaign has constantly developed. There has been an increase in the number of outstanding blood donors. Among them, many are still very poor, but they have always looked towards others

Le Hien Trung in Di An ward’s Binh Minh quarter in Di An town is a typical example for the above-mentioned thing. He has so far donated blood 26 times. Noticeably, his family is very poor. Mobilized by the ward’s Youth Union, Trung has begun taking part in the voluntary blood donation campaign since 2000. He has also actively mobilized his relatives and friends to voluntarily give blood.

Or, Vu Trong Quan who has donated blood more than 20 times in TDM city. Quan said that he took part in the voluntary blood donation campaign in 2013 when being a Youth Union official. At that time, he was in the vanguard of the campaign to set a bright example for Youth Union members to follow. Although getting a transfer, he has regularly participated in the campaign. “Voluntary blood donation is a good deed. A part of our blood can save other people with emergency treatment”, said him.

Propaganda sped up

In 2013, provincial Steering Board for Voluntary Blood Donation Mobilization collected 13,500 units of blood, the highest figure so far.

Mrs.Lien said that the Steering Board over the past time attached special importance to propaganda and mobilization task, contributing to raising awareness of people from all strata about the voluntary blood donation campaign. The Steering Board organized many training courses for propagandists; sent them to meetings organized by mass organizations…Especially, the Steering Board also paid more attention to honoring blood donors.

With the above efforts, the province’s voluntary blood donation campaign surpassed last year’s set targets. Along with members of mass organizations and armed forces, workers and religious organizations across the province also actively got involved in the campaign.

The province’s target in 2014 is to mobilize 14,500 units of blood. To achieve this target, along with the efforts by provincial Steering Board for Voluntary Blood Donation Mobilization, provincial Red Cross Society, the community needs to join hands in the voluntary blood donation campaign.

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by K.T

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