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Connecting, expanding markets for local products

Update: 18-02-2023 | 15:43:02

In 2023, facing market difficulties, trade connections between localities are promoted to find consumption markets for products for sustainable development.

Open more "doors"

In 2023, the commodity market continues to face many challenges, with a forecast of slowing growth, high inflation and geopolitical issues, conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics, etc. Therefore, Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee directed branches to support businesses, production establishments, and cooperatives to connect and consume products.

Following successes in connecting goods after the Covid-19, the industry and trade authorities affirmed the branch continues to support the connection between production business units to find domestic and foreign markets; especially connection with neighboring provinces and the Southeast region, to take advantage of geographical location, cultural similarities and development opportunities.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai (right end) visits Binh Duong's stall at a supply and demand connecting fair in Ho Chi Minh City. 

Bui Thi Doan Phuong, Teacher Phuong's sausage production establishment (Bau Bang district), said that by the end of 2022, the establishment participated in many fairs held in the Southeast localities. The fairs created favorable conditions for enterprises, production and business establishments in the region to introduce products and services to consumers. The fairs also helped products have more opportunities to connect directly with consumers, as well as access and expand agents and distributors in the Southeast region.

“This is the first year that production facilities participate in a program to connect supply and demand with support from departments, branches and localities. Through the program, production facilities hope to have more opportunities to interact with consumers inside and outside the province. At the same time, I want these programs would be more informed and promoted so that consumers know about local strengths and brands," Phuong said.

Enterprises specializing in the production and trading of processed industrial products, handicrafts, machinery and equipment, and supporting industries in the province are also very enthusiastic about joining fairs connecting goods of nearby provinces. Luu Tri, Director of Nghe Nang Joint Stock Company (Thuan An City), said that through programs and conferences connecting trade with retail chains, localities, and companies have the opportunity to introduce, promote products to potential customers and partners. This is also an opportunity for the company to connect products with industrial production units. The Southeast is a market having many potential partners.

Besides, in order to increase opportunities for businesses and establishments in the region, Binh Duong industry and trade authorities will continue to coordinate with the World Trade Center in Binh Duong New City to organize Binh Duong Expo, with a series of events to connect goods supply and demand in Binh Duong, Southeast provinces with distribution systems and foreign enterprises. Pham Thanh Dung, Director of Center for Investment Promotion, Trade and Industry Development (Provincial Department of Industry and Trade) added that the Binh Duong Expo program is an annual event of the province. In 2023, the program is expected to open more events to directly connect local businesses with distributors, consumers, supermarket chains in Binh Duong and other provinces, cities in key Southern key economic region and across the country.

The Provincial Voting Council of typical rural industrial products evaluate products of the program in 2022.

To boost e-commerce

In fact, the Southeast is a region with a dynamically developing economy, commercial activities, in which online retail has grown rapidly in recent years. This helps businesses and production facilities in the region have more opportunities to promote and expand consumption markets.

At present, as implementing the digital transformation, the industry and trade branch is focusing on the application of information technology and e-commerce to support the connection of supply and demand. Combining modern distribution with tradition to ensure stable production and circulation of goods. The province maintains and strengthens traditional direct distribution channels, such as markets, supermarkets, and convenience stores, while exploiting online distribution on websites, e-commerce platforms, and instruct production and supplying establishments to expand, approach distribution channels, apply new technologies to promote products.

In fact, e-commerce platforms will be the gateway that helps the local business community expand, develop the domestic market, and reach out to the world. However, in Binh Duong e-commerce platforms, some producers and suppliers of agricultural products have taken care and invested in their image, transparent information, but still has small scale and limitations in the application of technology. Therefore, if the platforms in the Southeast region have links and support each other to diversify products, shorten the transportation stage, it will increasingly attract customers from all provinces and cities. Thereby contributing to making the local e-commerce floor a popular trading place, shortening the geographical restriction as looking for any specialty product.

Reported by Tieu My - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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