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Connecting workers, building organizations

Update: 05-05-2023 | 12:32:27

That's the theme of Workers' Month, which runs from May 1 to May 31, 2023. According to plan of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, this year's Workers' Month will have many activities to honor employees, propose solutions to ensure jobs and incomes for employees. In particular, this year's Workers' Month also has dialogue meetings between leaders of the Party, the State, and workers to listen to thoughts and opinions on policies and laws related to employees, thereby building a stronger trade union organization.

After a long time being heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, followed by global political upheaval, leading to a breakdown in the global supply chain, a part of workers, due to lack of work, had to leave the area with labor relations, which means leaving Trade Union. Therefore, the responsibility of Trade Union is to connect so that the employees can get jobs and return to their organization, contributing to building a stronger trade union. This is a regular job of Trade Union, which is concretized into many activities, in which connecting workers to have jobs and stable incomes is of particular interest to Trade Unions at all levels.

In Binh Duong, worker connection and assembling is implemented synchronously and widely by the Provincial Labor Confederation with relevant units and local authorities. Disadvantaged workers receive material support; sick workers are supported with medical expenses; workers who lost their jobs, laid off jobs were introduced to new jobs… With the synchronous participation of many sectors and levels, the attention of local authorities, many issues of concern and pressing concerns of employees were resolved in a timely manner.  These activities will be further promoted in this year's Workers' Month to create peace of mind for employees to continue joining hands to build Binh Duong's further developed.

As implementing Vietnam General Confederation of Labor’s plan, in this year's Workers' Month, trade unions at all levels in Binh Duong will carry out many employee-oriented activities, such as: "May Dialogue"; forum "Workers for businesses, businesses for workers", activities "Thank you workers"; "Each grassroots union, one membership benefit"... This is also the peak month to develop union members, establish grassroots trade unions, introduce elite trade unionists to the Party for consideration, training, and admission. The above activities aim to promptly solve lack of employment and income reduction; call on businesses to find solutions to ensure jobs and income for employees in a sustainable way.

In particular, in this year's Workers' Month, besides a forum for Party and State leaders to contact, share, and listen to the workers' thoughts, aspirations to contribute to the national development by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Provincial Labor Confederation will propose and advise heads of Party committees and authorities at all levels to meet and hold dialogues with union members and employees according to Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW of the Politburo. These meetings and dialogues will focus on solving pressing and urgent issues among employees as specified in Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee (10th term) on "Continue to build the Vietnamese working class in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country".

Reported by Le Quang - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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