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Consolidating organization, taking care of women's legitimate rights and interests

Update: 27-07-2023 | 12:01:09

Provincial Women's Union has just held a conference to preliminarily review the five- year implementation of the Secretariat of the 7th CPV Central Committee’s Directive No. 21 on promoting women's work in the new situation from 2018 to 2023. From its specific action plan, provincial Women’s Union have always paid more attention to cadre work and organization consolidation, thereby contributing to the care and protection of the local women’s legitimate rights and interests...

Women’s role strengthened

According to Truong Thanh Nga, Chairwoman of provincial Women's Union, under the close attention and direction of all-level Party committees and authorities in disseminating and implementing the Secretariat of the 7th CPV Central Committee’s Directive No. 21 on promoting women's work in the new situation(briefly called the Directive No. 21), over the past five years, the coordination and cooperation between departments, sectors, Fatherland Front and mass organizations on the implementation of women's work more and more closely, achieving many important results. Thanks to consulting work implemented opportunely, the implementation of the Directive is increasingly effective. The percentage of women participating in Party committees, People's Councils, female leaders and managers at all levels has been increased compared to the previous period.

Bui Thanh Nhan, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission awarded the certificates of merit from provincial People's Committee to outstanding collectives and individuals achievements in the implementation of the Directive No.21

Through evaluation, the operational methods of provincial Women's Unions at all levels have been increasingly innovated to suit the actual situation. There have been many new, creative and effective ways, thereby creating favorable conditions for women to develop their economy, reduce poverty sustainably and build up prosperous, progressive, happy and civilized families. Provincial Women’s Unions at all levels have also organized many activities to raise society's awareness about the role, position, potential of women and gender equality.

In order to further uphold the role and effectiveness of the advisory work of the Women's Union in the implementation of Directive 21, the Standing Committee of provincial Women's Union has directed and oriented Women’s Unions at all levels to promote their core role in women’s work; improve the quality of cadres, set up programs and plans for the implementation of Directive No. 21 in association with the resolution of the Party congress at the same level; regularly renovate the mode of operation towards in the direction of practicality, professionalism, diversification of forms of gathering, towards the grassroots under the motto "Where there are women, there are Women’s Union activities" in order to meet the needs, legitimate aspirations and interests of women.

Strengthening organization towards grassroots

Under the Directive No.21, over the past 5 years, over 95% of full-time staff of provincial and district-level Women’s Unions and presidents of grassroots Women's Unions were trained to improve their professional qualifications, political theory, and management, basically meeting the title standards as prescribed. Provincial Women's Union also organized many activities to improve capacity with the participation of more than 800 Women’s Union officials, female leaders at provincial level.

In addition, provincial Women’s Unions at all levels paid more attention to the implementation of laws, policies and projects on gender equality, creating conditions for women's comprehensive development. Provincial Women’s Union directed its branches to actively advise Party committees and authorities at the same level to set up programs and plans to implement many solutions to ensure the effective implementation of policies and projects on gender equality; proactively integrate into joint programs and projects, thereby increasing resources to support law dissemination, support for women so that they could reach comprehensive development.

In fact, projects on making propaganda and mobilization to support women to participate in solving a number of social issues related to women in the period 2017-2027; supporting women for business startup in the period of 2017-2025; uniting and gathering young workers in Binh Duong province in the period of 2021-2025... have gone into depth, contributing to protecting women’s legitimate rights and interests, raising their position and developing homebased business. As of now, provincial Women's Unions at all levels have established 952 branches and groups with 32,565 members. The whole province has maintained 71 Women’s Union branches in non-state enterprises with 1,711 members. Many activities to take care of female young workers’material and spiritual lives have been carried out by provincial Women’s Unions at all levels with the amount of tens of billions of VND. The association has also supported material facilities for 20 child care facilities with more than VND 330 million; opened communication sessions, organized 75 training courses for 146,000 pregnant female workers and those raising children in enterprises…

In a bid to uphold the role of Women's Unions at all levels in participating in the construction of civilized urban and new-style rural areas, the Standing Committee of provincial Women's Unions have directed Youth Unions at all levels to carry out the campaign of “Building families "5 No-s, 3 clean-s", further direct district-level branches to guide the grassroots-level ones to set up specific plans and measures to help households that have not met 8 criteria. Each facility has the opportunity to register with the Party committee or government to carry out at least one practical and appropriate activity to participate in the construction of civilized urban and new-style rural areas.

From 2018 to 2023, provincial Women’s Union at all levels have supported 1,045 businesses founded by women, participated in consulting activities for business development, startup festivals. The whole province has 65 cooperative groups managed by women operating in the fields of production, processing and trading of agricultural products...

Reported by Quynh Nhu-Thanh Tuyen-Translated by Kim Tin

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