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Continuing to well implement information and propaganda tasks

Update: 03-03-2019 | 19:07:57

In the afternoon of 1-3, Binh Duong Newspaper held a conference of cadres, civil servants, employees, workers and summed up the work in 2018, set out the direction and tasks of 2019. Attending the conference were Mr. Le Huu Phuoc, Standing Member, Head of the Provincial Committee for Propaganda and Education, Editor-in-Chief of Binh Duong Newspaper; Mr. Tran Thanh Liem, Chairman of Provincial Trade Union.

Mr. Le Huu Phuoc, Standing Member, Head of the Provincial Committee for Propaganda and Education, Editor-in-Chief of Binh Duong Newspaper awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Provincial Labor Federation for outstanding individuals.

Participants of the conference heard the report on the implementation of the tasks of Binh Duong Newspaper in 2018 and the orientation and tasks of 2019; report on the implementation of democratic regulations, implement policies for officials, public servants, employees; report summarizing emulation in 2018 and launching emulation movement in 2019; report on activities of the People's Inspection Board for the 2017-2018 term and elect the People's Inspection Board for the period of 2019-2020. In 2018, Binh Duong Newspaper has performed well the propaganda task, not letting errors of political views; timely information on the political, economic and social situation in the province, domestic and international; propagandizing with various types of newspapers in printed and electronic newspapers; arranging and consolidating the newspaper content initially in a more scientific and recurring manner; focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of foreign information; The newspaper's economic activities have been more prosperous, contributing to solving better regimes for civil servants, employees and workers.

Mr. Tran Thanh Liem, Chairman of the provincial Trade Union Trade Union awarded certificates of merit to trade union members

Mr. Le Minh Tung, Deputy Editor-in-chief of Binh Duong Newspaper awarded certificates of merit to excellent collectives

Mr. Huynh Minh Dan, Deputy Editor-in-chief of Binh Duong Newspaper awarded certificates of merit to excellent individuals

On this occasion, individuals and collectives with outstanding achievements in performing professional duties and trade union activities were rewarded by Binh Duong Newspaper Editorial Board and Provincial Civil Servants Trade Union.

Reported by Cao Son- Xuan Thi – Translated by Vi Bao

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