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Cooperation and development of business and the press

Update: 22-06-2019 | 10:24:45

During the integration period, the press has an important role in bringing the guidelines and policies of the Party and State to enterprises. This is also a cheering channel, praising and protecting businesses and entrepreneurs; advising to help entrepreneurs improve and improve the effectiveness of business strategies, brand building and corporate culture.

Reporters of press agencies interviewed Mr. Mai Hung Dung, Provincial Standing Committee member, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee. Photo: Xuan Thi

Promoting the role of connection

Mr. Dien Quang Hiep, Chairman of Binh Duong Wood Association, said that the role of newspapers for businesses is now very important. Thanks to the press, businesses quickly update policies and regulations of the Party and the State, thereby helping businesses to change business strategies in a timely manner. Also thanks to the press, all information, communication images and brands of enterprises are covered.

“We look forward to the press agencies updating more, more fully about the changes, as well as the evaluation and analysis of new policies, additions and amendments of the laws and policies of State ”, Mr. Dien said.

In many recent forums, enterprises' experts and leaders have pointed out that the "symbiotic" relationship between the press and businesses is sometimes "hot" at "cold", especially in a boiling economic environment. As currently there are many gaps to be filled. But when people need information, people need to know society well perform their "citizenship", this relationship will promote positive effects.

The goal of the press not only provides diverse, rich and accurate information for the community but also warns and counteracts with many contents related to production and business activities of enterprises. In some cases, the press helps businesses realize the poor and shortcomings to overcome, repair, continue to rise in the increasingly fierce competition environment today.

Cooperation and companionship

At the Press Forum - bridging businesses and the Government with the theme "Journalism, business in the era of Comprehensive Partnership Agreement and Trans-Pacific Progress (CPTPP)" is organized in the framework of chapters Presenting the activities of the National Newspaper Association last 2019, Mr. Mai Duc Loc, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Journalists Association, highly appreciated the relationship of the press with enterprises and the State. These are activities that confirm the press role for production and business activities of enterprises, affirming the two-way relationship, sticking and supporting each other. enterprises need to have press and media to have information for production and business and for information to promote their brands, products and services; The press considers businesses and businessmen a rich and diverse topic, an inspiration to create press works.

At the forum, Mr. Vo Tri Thanh, Deputy Director of the Central Institute for Economic Management, said that CPTPP brings great benefits to small and medium enterprises. Therefore, the press should thoroughly understand the contents of this agreement, new trends in investment trade, high-tech transfer ... to be able to convey specifically and accurately to the public, enterprise. Since then, businesses and people can easily access CPTPP, quickly adapt to this "playground".

According to Dr. Vo Tri Thanh, currently the Government, policy makers often use newspapers as an important channel to gather information, so if the press is inaccurate, it will lead to decisions of leaders. inaccuracies. Also, the role of the press is indispensable for businesses, experts ... Therefore, he emphasized the requirement of the accuracy of press information for the socio-economic life.

In Binh Duong, a series of major political, economic and social events of the province in the past have been accompanied by newspapers and businesses and entrepreneurs, such as the Conference of World Technopolis Assoication (WTA) 2018, Asia Economic Cooperation Forum (Horasis) 2018 was held in Binh Duong over the past year ... Talking to us about improving the role of newspapers in promoting business development local businesses, Mr. Tran Thanh Liem, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, said that in the past years, the press agencies have been accompanying the province to quickly update the Party's guidelines and policies, State, province to business. Press agencies have also made great efforts to contribute to improving the business environment, creating a forum for businesses to express their views, reflecting legitimate and legitimate views and voices of enterprises.

It can be said that the strong improvements in the business environment of the province in the past time have an important role of the press. In the face of strong fluctuations in the domestic and international markets, one of the most important issues currently in practice is the need to further strengthen cooperation and co-operation between the press and businesses. spirit of communication, cooperation and exchange of information openly and openly. In particular, businesses need to proactively provide information to the press, make an important contribution to create Vietnamese brands and products to dominate the domestic market and reach international markets, for the benefit of the community. , for the development of the province and the country. For press agencies, it is necessary to do better the role of a forum to share with businesses about difficulties and obstacles in the production and business process; encourage and motivate businesses and entrepreneurs to promote creativity; discovering, praising the typical, new factors, good products, at the same time detecting and criticizing the negative and wrong, contributing to building an increasingly strong business and business team.

The tightening of co-operation and cooperation between newspapers and businesses is the way for newspapers and businesses to share all difficulties and advantages. Thereby, it aims towards the common goal: the comprehensive development of the province and the country in the integration process.

Reported by Tieu My – Translated by Vi Bao

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