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Covid-19 prevention and control in “new normal” state: People's responsibility and awareness are important factors

Update: 09-11-2021 | 10:17:43

Currently, the Covid-19 pandemic is still complicated and unpredictable. In addition to the drastic intervention of functional agencies and local authorities, people’s responsibility and awareness are important factors, contributing to preventing the spread of the pandemic.

People with subjective, negligent mentality

In the 4th wave of Covid-19 pandemic, Binh Duong is the locality with the second highest number of infections in the Southern region, after Ho Chi Minh City. The whole political system, businesses and people have taken drastic measures to prevent and control the pandemic, so the pandemic situation in the province has been basically controlled. In order to protect the anti-epidemic achievements, along with the participation of the Party committees and local authorities, it is necessary for people’s consensus in strictly complying with regulations. If people are subjective, neglectful, and have the mentality of "relaxation" after the social distancing period, this will make the pandemic spread and people’s life get more difficult.

In recent days, people have got subjective and neglect in Covid-19 prevention and control. In picture: Thu Dau Mot city's functional forces handle and remind business establishments violating rules on Covid-19 prevention and control

Over the past few days, propaganda work was strongly deployed by localities, but many people are still apathetic and have not strictly complied with regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control yet. Walking around at some residential markets, sidewalk coffee shops in Thu Dau Mot city, Ben Cat town, Di An city, we saw that there are still many sellers and buyers who do not strictly follow the "5K" message of the Ministry of Health. In addition, there is still a situation of people traveling and exchanging in the blockage areas, not ensuring rules on social distancing. This is very dangerous because it will lead to the risk of cross-infection.

More worried issue is that some shops and restaurants do not require customers to scan QR codes. It is known that the local functional forces handle tens of cases violating regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control every day. Pham Van Bay, Vice-Chairman of Di An city’s People's Committee said that each citizen needs to further improve the awareness and responsibility of "every citizen is a soldier" to prevent and control the pandemic. The local authorities at all levels are in dire need of cooperation from people in order to form up a solid block of strength to win against the pandemic.

Sharing with reporters, Nguyen Van Hai, residing in Thu Dau Mot city’s Phu Hoa ward said: "In recent days, when the number of positive cases has constantly increased, my family has continued strictly following measures against the pandemic. However, I am very concerned that many people do not wear masks or take off masks to communicate in coffee shops. Some young people still gather, talk and do not ensure distancing rules."

Public awareness of Covid-19 prevention and control needs to be enhanced

Currently, the whole province is transitioning to the "new normal" state. Some activities are gradually returning to normal, but the Covid-19 pandemic continues, requiring strict control solutions. Dr. Nguyen Hong Chuong, Director of provincial Department of Health said: “In recent days, the number of daily new cases in the province has tended to increase again. That shows that the Covid-19 pandemic still has a high potential risk with unpredictable developments and can break out at any time, so people should not be subjective, neglect, or lose vigilance. Everyone needs to proactively take measures against Covid-19 prevention and control. For those who are in concentrated isolation areas or under home isolation, they need to strictly comply with isolation rules, protect the health of themselves, their families and the community, contributing to the fight against the pandemic".

Talking to reporters, Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee said: "In the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, people's awareness plays a very important role. Each conscious citizen will create a shield to protect the community from Covid-19 epidemic. Protecting your health is also to protect the community from the pandemic. Just one person's negligence can create great consequences, negatively affecting the whole community. Each citizen needs to be self-aware, consider limiting and controlling their own travel needs, etc. In addition to promoting communication to raise the community’s awareness, the local functional forces need to check and strictly handle violations in the current period."

Previously, provincial People's Committee directed provincial Department of Information and Communications to coordinate with localities to focus on well implementing the installation of PC-Covid application, electronic health books on smartphones, scanning QR Codes when coming to agencies, work places and crowded sites  (markets, supermarkets...); strengthen the work of guiding, inspecting and reminding people of violations of Covid-19  prevention and control measures. Community-based anti-Covid-19 teams need to further uphold the role of strictly controlling the pandemic situation, being determined to green the "yellow zone" in combination with strickly making isolation and blockade for outbreaks and sources of infection in the fastest time. Districts, towns and cities continue propagandizing and urging people to strictly comply with rules on Covid-19 prevention and control with great determination, not letting the pandemic re-emerge in order to quickly recover socio-economic activities and people's lives in the "new normal" state.

Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee said: "In the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, people's awareness plays a very important role. Each conscious citizen will create a shield to protect the community from Covid-19 epidemic. Protecting your health is also to protect the community from the pandemic. Just one person's negligence can create great consequences, negatively affecting the whole community. Each citizen needs to be self-aware, consider limiting and controlling their own travel needs, etc. In addition to promoting communication to raise the community’s awareness, the local functional forces need to check and strictly handle violations in the current period."

Reported by Hoang Linh-Translated by Kim Tin

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