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CPV: Meeting to commemorate the 82 years of establishment

Update: 30-01-2012 | 00:00:00

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Mai The Trung – Commissioner of the Central Committee of CPV, cum Secretary of local Party Committee, Mr. Vu Minh Sang – permanent Deputy Secretary of local Party Committee, cum Chairman of People’s Council, Mr. Le Thanh Cung – Deputy Secretary of local Party Committee, cum Chairman of People’s Committee, deputy leaders, all-time former leaders of Song Be, Binh Duong, and Binh Phuoc, heroic mothers, elder revolutionists, leaders of departments, sectors, and agencies across districts and towns.

At the ceremony, the delegates reviewed development legacy of 82 years of CPV by whose leadership, Vietnamese people is promoted to victory of resistance wars, bringing the nation to socialism-oriented socio-economic development.

Mr. Le Thanh Cung informed to attendants the socio-economic development status in 2011 and orientation to 2012.

On the same occasion, Binh Duong Party Committee announced to awards 60-year, 50-year, 40-year, and 30-year medals to 184 Party members accordingly to years of their participation. Ten former leaders were awarded on stage with 50-year medal.

Reported by N. Trinh-Q. Chien – Translated by Vi Bao

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