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Create conditions for farmers to develop production and business

Update: 04-12-2023 | 13:14:16

At the 2023 dialogue conference between the Chairman of Provincial People's Committee and farmers held last weekend, many recommendations were made on the development of agriculture, rural areas, especially high-tech agriculture; many solutions were also proposed to help farmers develop production and business.

There needs to be more policies to support farmers

Opening the conference, Do Ngoc Huy, Chairman of Provincial Farmers' Union, said that in recent years, Binh Duong has stipulated many guidelines and policies related to production and business in agriculture, farming and rural areas. These are mechanisms and policies that create conditions for farmers to develop production; develop digital transformation of the agricultural sector and rural development in the period 2022-2025, with a vision for 2030. However, the implementation process of agricultural, rural and rural development policies has some problems and shortcomings; including the issue of investment resources for agricultural, rural development; organize modern agricultural production along the value chain; Credit for agricultural development...

The dialogue between Chairman of Provincial People's Committee and farmers.

"The dialogue conference between the Chairman of Provincial People's Committee and farmer members is an important forum for farmers to meet and directly reflect their thoughts, expectations, and propose mechanisms and policies to develop production and business", Huy said.

At the dialogue, farmer members had many opinions and recommendations on mechanisms and policies for agricultural and rural development. Specifically, farmer members gave many opinions focusing on supporting farmers to continue developing rural areas by applying high technology, urban agriculture and ecotourism; forming a typical model under the Binh Duong brand in the near future. Farmers also proposed that provincial leaders need to have start-up policies for farmers, cooperation programs to support farmers in consuming agricultural products, policies to help farmers learn experience, introduce and promote farmers' products domestically and internationally.

Nguyen Thi Minh Tam, farmer member of Phu An commune (Ben Cat town), said that starting a business is difficult but starting a business in rural areas is even more difficult. "Therefore, we farmers hope that Provincial People's Committee will have solutions in the near future to support and encourage farmers to start businesses and innovate successfully," Tam said.

Many farmers also proposed that the province have a market information orientation and send out indicators for farmers to produce according to market signals, ensuring that the production does not fall into a situation of "good season and falling prices". Many opinions also mentioned about collective farming in agriculture, and it is necessary to determine the subjective role of farmers in the development process of agriculture and rural economy integrated with building new rural areas.

Trinh Minh Thanh, a farmer of Thuong Tan commune (North Tan Uyen district), recommended that cooperatives and businesses are not implementing well policies to link production and consumption of agricultural products. Therefore, the province needs to direct the good implementation of the "six houses" linkage policy (State, farmers, businesses, banks, scientists, distributors)...

Focus on solving problems

At the dialogue, Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, said that in recent times the Party and State have paid attention and issued many guidelines and policies on the development of agriculture, farmers, and rural areas, especially Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW on Agriculture, Farmers and Rural Areas until 2030, with a vision for 2045. Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province always pay attention and issued many policies and programs related to production and business in the agricultural sector in the province, especially mechanisms and policies to create favorable conditions for farmers to develop production; Promote agricultural innovation and rural development in the period 2022-2025, with a vision for 2030.

In addition to organic agriculture, the province facilitates the development of high-tech agriculture and ecological agriculture combined with tourism development in 4 northern districts. The focus is on enhancing added value for agricultural products, increasing market competitiveness, international integration, towards sustainable agricultural development; thereby expanding the stable consumption market, promoting the production and consumption of agricultural products.

The Chairman of Provincial People's Committee requested that departments, branches, and localities pay special attention, firmly grasp the reality, listen to thoughts and aspirations of farmers, especially the issues of supporting farmers to continue developing agriculture by applying high technology, urban agriculture, and combination with eco-tourism; Introduce and promote the consumption of agricultural products.

Minh asked functional branches to build concentrated raw material areas; develop linkages, cooperative groups and cooperatives; establish and strengthen links between agricultural product manufacturers and suppliers and distribution channels; expand stable consumption markets, promote sustainable production and consumption of agricultural products. Relevant departments and branches need to fully synthesize opinions and review all policies on farmers or related to farmers to continue to research, propose, and advise on the development of additional policies and particular mechanisms that are directly related to farmers.

The Chairman also asked Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to develop policies to develop industries and occupations associated with the orientation of rural economic development and transformation of production and business structure; develop key products, create jobs, and increase income for farmers in the area. Department of Science and Technology accelerates innovation in the agricultural sector and rural development in the period 2022-2025. The State Bank of Vietnam - Binh Duong Branch directs banks and credit institutions to sign programs to coordinate with Farmers' Unions to carry out activities supporting farmers by offering preferential loans and start-up development. 

Up to now, 100% of communes in the province have completed the new rural construction (NRC) program. The whole province currently has 41/41 communes meeting NRC standards, 29/41 communes meeting advanced NRC standards; Communes are continuing to improve the quality of criteria according to the set of criteria for advanced NRC communes and model NRC communes for the period 2021-2025. There are currently 3 district-level units that meet NRC standards and complete NRC: Dau Tieng district, Ben Cat town, Tan Uyen city. Bau Bang, Phu Giao and North Tan Uyen districts have been evaluated by the Central Council, and are currently supplementing documents to be recognized as meeting NRC standards according to regulations.

Reported by Ho Van - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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