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Creating synchronization and consistency in urban rejuvenation

Update: 06-04-2024 | 07:29:02

Yesterday morning (April 5), provincial delegation, led by Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, had a trip to survey the implementation of urban rejuvenation in Tan Uyen, Thuan An and Di An cities.

Rejuvenation for spontaneous residential areas

The result of the survey showed that all three localities have had rapid economic development and urbanization. However, the urban rejuvenation for spontaneous residential areas in these localities has still faced many difficulties, in which essential infrastructure facilities in some spontaneous residential areas are not up to urban general standards.

Nguyen Thai Binh, Chairman of the People's Committee of Tan Vinh Hiep ward in Tan Uyen city said that the ward is now home to 23 spontaneous housing areas, with a total area of ​​116,324m2 with 1,321 households, including 17 spontaneous housing areas formed before January 10, 2014 and 6 ones formed after January 10, 2014. The ward’s People's Committee rechecked the minimum conditions of technical infrastructure for 17 spontaneous housing areas formed before January 10, 2014, with guaranteed land use planning. However, they did not have enough conditions for rejuvenation.

Particularly, according to the content of Official Dispatch No. 596/UBND-KT dated February 23, 2023 on minimum conditions for technical infrastructure systems to rejuvenate spontaneous housing areas, the planning for land use of the above subdivided lots is guaranteed, but conditions for rejuvenation are not fully guaranteed. For example, land plots do not guarantee their road surface area for vehicles and fire engines to circulate. The area of ​​the houses is mostly small, not ensuring the area for plot separation after dismantling to ensure the road surface. Subdivided lots are located in areas that do not have a common technical infrastructure system on rainwater drainage, wastewater collection and treatment, clean water supply, fire-fighting water supply pipelines..., so it's difficult to connect to the area's common infrastructure.

Similarly, at the spontaneous residential area in An Phu ward’s quarter 1B in Thuan An city, even though there is a system of electricity and water supply, wastewater and rainwater drainage. However, due to the low terrain and small drainage culverts, drainage capacity is still not guaranteed and flooding often occurs. Tran Viet Hung, residing in quarter 1B’s group 40 said that this area is often flooded when it rains heavily. And, there are times when the water floods up to 0.5m, affecting people's lives.

According to a report by Di An city’s People's Committee, the city now has 362 spontaneous housing areas. Before January 10, 2014, there were 358 zones, with a total area of ​​about 113,478 hectares, including 342 zones in line with land use planning and 16 zones not being suitable to land use planning. As for the number of spontaneous housing areas formed after January 10, 2014, there are a total of 4 areas, with ​​4,580.1 m2 and divided into 66 lots. Among them, there are housing lots built and the remaining 2 lots are vacant...As of now, the city has only approved consideration and issuance of the certificates of land use rights for households in 21 spontaneous housing areas…

Building up civilized urban areas

At the meeting, the province’s functional departments and sectors shared information to clarify regulations, funding sources... on the implementation of urban urbanization. Localities also reported on their implementation of this work and pointed out obstacles that need to be resolved...

According to Huynh Pham Tuan Anh, Deputy Director of provincial Department of Construction, rejuvenation work includes two contents: Implementing renovation for spontaneous housing areas and alleys, ensuring essential infrastructure. From the actual survey of roads in residential areas, rejuvenation can be carried out. For residential areas with roads connected to the inter-regional ones, localities are currently stuck with regulations when implementing rejuvenation... To remove problems, the department will advise provincial People's Committee on issuing regulations for localities to decide under the scale of each project and the actual conditions of each locality. "In terms of resources to rejuvenate spontaneous residential areas, the State and people will work together to ensure minimum infrastructure", said Mr. Anh.

Speaking at the working session with localities, Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee said that the result of the survey in localities will serve as a practical basis for provincial Party Committee to set up and promulgate a resolution on upgrading essential technical infrastructure of residential areas in urban and rural regions by 2030 towards further improving the quality of life of people in the province...

Mr. Thao emphasized that along with surveying to issue resolutions, localities must also conduct surveys and evaluate the situation of urban rejuvenation to issue implementation plans in the breakthrough spirit from residential areas with the most shortcomings in urban infrastructure quality..., thereby  creating the local synchronization and consistency on this work, contributing to building civilized, modern urban areas and further improving the quality of life of people...

Speaking at the working session with localities, Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee said that the result of the survey in localities will serve as a practical basis for provincial Party Committee to set up and promulgate a resolution on upgrading essential technical infrastructure of residential areas in urban and rural regions by 2030 towards further improving the quality of life of people in the province...

Reported by Do Trong-Translated by Kim Tin

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