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Dau Tieng receives over 470 units of blood

Update: 21-06-2023 | 10:35:19

On June 20, Dau Tieng district’s Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood donation, Red Cross Society in collaboration with HCM city-based Cho Ray Hospital’s Blood and Hematology Center organized a blood donation campaign in response to the International Blood Donor Day (June 14).

With the message of "Regularly donating blood and plasma - sharing love, giving life", the blood donation campaign attracted a large number of people in the district to register to participate in. Through medical examination, 471 people were eligible to donate blood, with 471 blood units, equivalent to 164,850 ml of blood given.

The district’s Red Cross also mobilized Vu Thi Tuat in Minh Tan commune to cook 700 glasses of bird's nest sweet soup for blood donors. And Ngoc Phuoc Buddhist temple donated 500 dumplings to them.

Reported by Cam Ly-Translated by Kim Tin

Dau Tieng
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