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Dau Tieng Rubber Company listens and shares with workers

Update: 12-06-2023 | 14:32:09

Over latest years, Party Standing Committee of Dau Tieng Rubber One Member Co., Ltd. has led and directed the effective implementation of Directive 05-CT/TW of the Politburo on promoting learning and following the Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality, and lifestyle in the entire Party Committee. In particular, the Party Committee regularly directs the grassroots committees and mass organizations to continue to maintain and promote effective models and creative ways of doing things; regularly meet and have direct dialogues with workers, well implement the Regulation on grassroots democracy...

Party Committee of Dau Tieng Rubber One Member Co., Ltd. commends outstanding collectives in implementing Conclusion 01-KL/TW of the Politburo, period 2021-2023.

Close, timely encouragement

On time, we were present at Long Tan Rubber Farm (Dau Tieng Rubber Company Limited) but it took a long time to meet Nguyen Quoc Nhan, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of Long Tan Rubber Farm.  Because, when we arrived, he had just come back from the rubber plantation on a motorbike. As a leader, but most of the time he is on rubber lots together with employees, so many years have passed! He said, being closer to understand workers; from understanding workers, grasping their thoughts and aspirations, he can promptly have a solution so that employees can feel secure to stay with the farm for a long time.

Being in regular contact with workers has been seriously done by Board of Directors and farm unions in recent years. This not only shows the attention of the farm's leaders in the working process and activities of workers, but through close contact with workers, the farm leaders also promptly correct problems that arise.  In particular, in recent years, the Party Committee and farm unions have integrated propagation and communication about studying and following Uncle Ho, especially implementing the model "close to workers, listen and share with workers". 

Nguyen Quoc Nhan said that studying and following Uncle Ho on the farm has made a strong change in moral training, lifestyle, and working style of party members and workers. One of the most obvious changes is the improved sense of responsibility, contributing to helping the farm fulfill its annual production plan. 

Also, due to being close to workers, the Party Committee and Board of Directors of the farm have made appropriate adjustments in the process of duty performance. For example, the timely rewards and encouragements for excellent production teams has created an exciting competitive atmosphere among groups on the farm. Teams that were rewarded were very excited, while remaining teams also showed their determination and strived harder in production", said Mr. Nguyen Quoc Nhan.

Listen and share with workers

Along with leading and directing the implementation of political tasks, the Party Committee of Dau Tieng Rubber One Member Limited Liability Company has paid attention to and taken good care of the life and regimes and policies for workers. Through the model of learning and following Uncle Ho "Close to workers, listen and share with workers" launched by the company's Party Committee, the company's leaders and mass organizations periodically hold dialogue meetings, learn about thoughts, aspirations, and suggestions of employees; thereby promptly solve, stabilize thoughts, help employees stay with the unit for a long time.

In particular, during the Covid-19 outbreak, which directly affected production and business activities, the company maintained the tradition of solidarity, determination in leadership and direction to achieve the goal of "effectively preventing the disease while maintaining stable production and business". In addition, all levels of Party committees and mass organizations accompanied and promptly visited workers affected by the pandemic. The company also always cares and takes good care of workers’ lives. Regimes of salary and bonus are fully and timely resolved.

At a conference to review three-year implementation Conclusion 01-KL/TW on continuing to implement Directive 05-CT/TW of the Politburo on studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle, the Party Committee of Dau Tieng Rubber One Member Limited Liability Company has set out some key tasks to continue effectively implement Conclusion 01-KL/TW. In particular, the Party Committee pays special attention to better implementing the working style, which must be close to workers, listen and share difficulties with workers; improve the sense of responsibility at work; building a strong and clean Party organization, the apparatus from the company to the grassroots with integrity, action, creativity, closeness to workers, wholeheartedly for workers.

Reported by Tri Dung - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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