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Dau Tieng’s total production value up 12%

Update: 06-10-2020 | 15:43:08

According to Dau Tieng district’s People’s Committee, the district’s total production value was estimated at more than VND12.26trillion, up 12.78% compared to the same period last year or 68.63% of the year’s plan.

Of these, the district’s value of industrial production and construction was more than VND5.7trillion, up 18% against the same period last year or 70.31% of the year’s plan while agricultural production value was more than VND2.66trillion, up 5.8% over the same period last year or 62.77% of the year’s plan.

The district’s People’s Committee has also just reviewed the local socio-economic situation over the past 9 months; defined orientations, tasks for the remaining 3 months of the year to fulfill the set targets in all aspects.

Reported by Tieu My-Translated by K.T

Dau Tieng
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