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Determined to innovate and improve Trade Union’s operational efficiency

Update: 25-09-2023 | 11:49:41

*Nguyen Kim Loan re-elected as Chairwoman of provincial Labor Union

Early September 23, the 11th provincial Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 tenure entered the third working day and held its closing ceremony.

The event was attended by Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee; members of provincial Party Standing Committee; 550 officiall delegates representing the will and aspirations of more than 834,000 civil servants, workers and trade union officials throughout the province.

At the closing session, the Executive Board of the 11th provincial Labor Union for the 2023-2028 tenure, including 47 members, was introduced at the congress. At the first meeting, the Executive Board of the 11th provincial Labor Union elected a standing board, consisting of 15 members. Nguyen Kim Loan was re-elected as Chairwoman of provincial Labor Union for the 2023-2028 tenure. The delegates voted to pass the resolution of the congress, with the goal of improving the efficiency of trade union activities, focusing on well performing functions and tasks, promptly meeting requirements in the new situation. The focus is to represent and protect the legitimate rights and interests of trade unionists and workers; build up a strong, comprehensive Trade Union that is capable of adapting, effectively and promptly solving problems.

In terms of specific tasks, by 2028, at least 83% of businesses and units have trade union locals that are qualified to represent, negotiate and sign collective labor agreements under the provisions of law. Trade unionists and workers in need of housing can rent, buy or lease-purchase 45% - 50% of the apartments in social housing projects for workers in the province...

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Mrs.Loan said that in the spirit of "Innovation - Democracy - Solidarity - Development", the 11th provincial Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 tenure was great success, opening up a new path with the determination to innovate and improve the operational efficiency of the Trade Union and workers. The Executive Board of the 11th provincial Labor Union will maintain solidarity and unity, further promote the sense of responsibility, constantly study and improve ethics, capacity and excellently complete assigned tasks.

Reported by Ho Van-Translated by Kim Tin

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