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Di An town to celebrate the 70th August Revolution anniversary and National Day

Update: 25-08-2015 | 15:01:30


Morning August 24th, Di An town held a solemn get-together to celebrate the 70th August Revolution anniversary (August 19th 1945 - August 19th 2015), National Day September 2nd, and received the title of Hero of the people’s armed forces conferred by the President upon the 3rd Battalion – Di An arm for outstanding achievements in the anti-American resistance war.

On behalf of the President, Mr. Tran Thanh Liem (center) conferred the title of Hero of the people’s armed forces upon the 3rd Battalion – Di An arm.

Participants comprised Mr. Le Hoang Quan, member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of HCMC People’s Committee; Mr. Huynh Van Nhi, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; Mr. Tran Thanh Liem, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee; Mr. Nguyen Minh Giao, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Propaganda and Training Commission; revolutionary veterans,  Vietnamese heroic mothers, heroes of the people’s armed forces, heroes of  labor, and officers under the 3rd Battalion – Di An arm.

In late 1964, implementing the "X" plan devised by the Central Office – Party Committee of Sai Gon - Cho Lon - Gia Dinh High Command to set up 3 military types and 5 arms on 5 Saigon suburban directions, including: Di An, North Thu Duc, Ba Chieu; and on October 25th 1967 to establish 5 subdivision: Di An, North Thu Duc, Binh Hoa, Lai Thieu, Tan Uyen, Phu Giao, Chau Than. Sai Gon - Cho Lon - Gia Dinh military zone was asked to establish the 165A Regiment, and assigned the 3rd Battalion to support Di An – Thu Duc battlefield. The 3rd Battalion were protected by the people, and united in overcoming all difficulties to fight bravely against US troops, puppets and vassals to win many victories.  After the national liberation, officers of the 3rd Battalion have joined hands with police forces and governmental units to protect well local political security, social order and security.

Reported by N.Thanh – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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