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Disable people under medical check-up

Update: 03-04-2013 | 00:00:00

A delegation of doctors from provincial Nursing and Rehabilitation Hospital has just coordinated with TDM city’s Medical Center to provide free medical check-ups, medicine and gifts to 67 disable people in Phu Loi ward.

  Clarification of disable people in Phu Loi wardPrior to that, the delegation also provided free medical check-ups, medicine and gifts to 37 disabled people in TDM city’s wards of Phu Tan and Hoa Phu. This was part of the city’s program to clarify disable people for timely help. It is known that the program will last till June 2013 in 14 communes and wards.

Each disable person was also supported VND50,000 in medicine cost and 10 kg of rice. This support program was funded by provincial Sponsoring Association for Disabled People-

Poor Patients and Orphans, Thanh Le General Export Import Trading Corporation and Jumview Vietnam Company in Thuan An town.

Reported by Hong Thuan-Translated by K.T

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