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Domestic trade grows in difficult period

Update: 04-07-2013 | 00:00:00
In spite of difficult economic conditions, with timely guidance, active implementation, domestic trade of Binh Duong province still maintains well its growth, stable market prices, sufficient supplied goods, no good shortage then raise prices. Supermarkets often have special promotions to stimulate purchasing power Total retail sales of the first 6 months in 2013 achieves VND38,579 bln, increases 18.7% compared to last year and reaches 42% of target. In particular, domestic sector is VND36,570 bln, raises 19%, FDI sector is VND1,009 bln, increases 10.5%. These results come from governmental solutions cooperating with enterprises to stabilize the market.Provincial Industry and Trade Department affirmed, domestic commercial activities in the first 6 months were relative stable. Retailers strengthen giving special sales promotion, ensuring sufficient stored goods to meet people’s purchasing power. Representatives of Big C supermarket said, due to decreasing labor’s income, good consumption also fell. Thus Big C supermarket stored goods to implement actively price stabilization program and to supply goods to remote areas. Director of Vinatex My Phuoc supermarket (Ben Cat district) said, apart from selling goods according to posted prices, the supermarket applied programs to stimulate shopping demands, like: discount goods, itinerant selling… Some businesses took part aggressively in price stabilization but with no preferential loans, such as: Metro, Big C, Binh Duong Tourism JSC.However, because the economy turned sour, trade activities facing many problems. “Consumers usually go shopping only when there are sales promotions. Conventionally, it’s very difficult to attract customers”, said manager of Citimart Binh Duong Le Hoa Hiep.Reportedly, market prices of the first 6 months had not high fluctuation, namely, provincial CPI of June increases 0.2% compared to May and is 11.5% higher than last year. Currently, quantity of supply is higher than demand. Subjectively, this could lead to fevers of goods and increasing prices. “Provincial Industry and Trade sector is focusing approaches to stabilize the market as well as warrant consumers’ interests, such as: encourage businesses to participate in price stabilization, ensure enough quantity of goods; reinforce market and price control, notably treatment for violations of helmet producing, food safety, petrol, gas,…”, said Deputy Director of provincial Industry and Trade Department Mr. Ho Van Binh.According to General Statistics Directorate, by the end of June 2013, CPI increases 0.05% compared to last month and 6.69% compared to last year. CPI of the first 6 months raises 2.4% compared to December 2012. Basic products tend to increase like: garments, hats and footwear increases 0.42%; cultural, entertainment and tourism activities 0.4%; home appliances 0.33%; beverages and cigarettes 0.32%...Reported by Truc Huynh – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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