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Education quality maintained

Update: 17-06-2013 | 00:00:00
Department of Education and Training just announced results of high school graduation examinations with successful rate of 99.31% or 0.4% higher than previous year. The achievements were thanks to non-stop efforts of the education sector and of each high school. Once again, education quality has been maintained sustainably. A candidate presents his ID paper before entering the examination room for his high school graduation This year, the province eyed 13 high schools of 100% senior students passing the graduation while many others kept up with good out-take. “The results were thanks to efforts of the sector, especially the devoted teachers who helped students to review their lessons again and again. For students, the learning tradition is upheld,” said Mr. Duong The Phuong, Director of Department of Education and Training. The most notable achievements of all could be considered for Phuoc Vinh High School with 100% graduation rate, seeing 418 students graduated thanks to in-depth investment. Mr. Tran Duy Ty, the Principal of Phuoc Vinh High School shared: “We took care of the students at their very first of grade 10 when we place them in right classes which proved effective to encourage high achieved students. Another example was of Phan Boi Chau High School of Dau Tieng District for its 100% of students graduated. Its Principal, Mr. Nguyen Kieu Dien informed of the measures implemented including weekly lesson reviews for grade 12 and for each specific subject. Notwithstanding the efforts of high schools, the Department of Education and Training has directed them to follow from the beginning of the year by stressing on quality. Teaching activities have frequently checked by the department. Efforts made and results yielded; however, determination should be made to follow the motto of true learning, true testing and true quality as targeted by Department of Education and Training. Reported by H. Thai – Translated by Vi Bao
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