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Effectiveness of traffic sanctions

Update: 26-07-2023 | 14:54:16

With the determination to ensure traffic order and safety, over the past time, the traffic police force in the whole province has strictly implemented the topics and plans of the Traffic Police Department and the provincial Police in patrolling. control and strictly handle violations.

Sanctions combine propaganda

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Minh Tan, Deputy Head of the Ben Cat town Police, said that strictly following the direction of the Directorate of the Provincial Police Department, the town police have deployed and thoroughly understood the commanders, officers, soldiers and forces related organizations, 100% of the troops on duty. The town has mobilized maximum forces and vehicles simultaneously in the area from June 12 to July 12 in order to effectively implement the plan of tightening to handle serious cases of violation of alcohol concentration and carrying overloaded and oversized goods to reduce traffic accidents.

Traffic police forces set up checkpoints to control the transportation of passengers and goods through the province

Through inspection, the functional forces discovered and recorded 957 cases of violations, and fined them with an amount of nearly VND 2.9 billion. Also during this time, in the area of Ben Cat town, there were 6 traffic accidents, killing 6 people, injuring 1 person, and damaging 8 vehicles. Compared to the previous month, 3 cases were reduced, reduced by 4 injured people.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Minh Tan said that the continuous implementation of peak plans and with the sense of responsibility of officers and soldiers while performing their tasks and handling violations has created a deterrence and improvement raising the people's awareness of compliance in participating in traffic, contributing to stabilizing the traffic order and safety situation in the town.

Similarly, Senior Lieutenant Colonel Bui Trung Hieu, Deputy Head of the Thuan An city Police Department, said that in order to effectively implement the plans, local police leaders have directed the traffic police force to organize 100% of the army's standing; professional teams and police of communes and wards, 113 part-time and incident-handling force on duty, organized closed patrols in the area. During the period from June 12 to July 12, Thuan An city Police conducted 174 working groups including 859 turns of officers and soldiers. Through inspection, more than 1,000 violations were detected; administrative fines were amounting to more than VND 2.3 billion with temporary seizure of 158 driving licenses, professional licenses and certificates, and temporary seizure of 442 vehicles. Compared to the adjacent time, 359 violations have made the fine amount increased by VND 475 million.

In addition, the functional forces of Thuan An city have made a list of 180 passenger transport service business establishments with 259 vehicles, signed commitments to ensure transport regulations and organized online propaganda, and held meetings at hostels for inn owners and workers about the Road Traffic Law for 12 sessions with more than 800 participants.

Strengthening patrol and control according to Directive No. 10/CT-TTg

Talking to us, Senior Colonel Nguyen Anh Kiet, Head of the Traffic Police Department of the province, said that in order to continue the solutions to ensure traffic safety, the whole political system in the province has actively implemented over time decisively and synchronously with key solutions. In particular, the traffic police force has strictly implemented the topics and plans of the Ministry of Police and the Directorate of the provincial Police. The work of patrolling, controlling and handling violations is carried out throughout by the functional forces; traffic infrastructure is interested in investment and repair; the urban traffic routes are organized and logically divided. The outstanding result is that traffic accidents in the first 6 months of 2023 decreased by 3 criteria in terms of number of cases, number of deaths and injuries.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Anh Kiet emphasized that in order to contribute to the completion of the goals and tasks in the work of ensuring traffic order and safety in the province with the theme of "respecting the law to build a safe traffic culture”; effectively implement Directive No. 10/CT-TTg dated April 19, 2023 of the Prime Minister on enhancing road traffic order and safety in the new situation, the Traffic Police Department has assigned to arrange patrol forces to control and handle violations on road, railway and inland waterway traffic routes. Effectively implement the plan for total control of passenger trucks and freight cars in the province while oordinating handling of violations according to thematic alcohol content, overloading cargo, exceeding the safe waterline mark, and oversized limit.

Reported Q.Anh – Nam Ni – Translated by Vi Bao

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