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Employers and employees enjoy interests from vocational training

Update: 25-03-2011 | 00:00:00

Implemented since 2005, the vocational training program under local Center for Industrial Development and Industrial Promotion (CIDIP)’s industrial promotion activity has reached high results, helping local businesses uphold investment efficiency.

Minh Phuong export furniture Company’s workers have improved their skills, thanks to vocational training.

A significant program

Tan Uyen district-based Minh Phuong export furniture Company president Huynh Van Hanh affirmed “after 3 months of training on interior timber production for 150 workers co-held by CIDIP and the company, vocational training’s efficiency has been showed through laborers’ skills. Therefore, the company’s productive capacity has been improved significantly”.

Similarly, Tuan Linh Trade-Production-Import&Export Company vice director Nguyen Duc Thang, said “the company initially faced many difficulties, owing to laborers’ poor skills. Thanks to support from the center, the company has had about 300 skilled workers with different knowledge, contributing to create certain results”.

According to the local department of Trade and Industry, industrial promotion combined with real activities has showed efficient results. Many vocational training classes have been held including bamboo articles, footwear, garment… The training work has positively supported for businesses to produce more sustainbly.

Double interests

Vocational training from industrial promotion helps not only businesses stabilize human resources but laborers improve income. In the last month, at the certificate granting ceremony for 300 workers of Lien Phat Ltd co-held by the center and company, the company director Truong Thi Thuy Lien assessed “vocational training from industrial promotion program is very necessary, helping bring stable manpower and increase businesses’ competitive edge”.

According to CIDIP director Le Van Chi, vocational training for laborers has showed a practical significance, helping business possess skilled manpower and increase competitive ability. Expense support for vocational training helps maintain and develop new and traditional trades.

Reported by T.Minh – Translated by A.C

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