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Emulation cluster of Veterans Associations in northern localities maintains effective models

Update: 12-12-2023 | 12:49:49

Over the past time, the Emulation cluster of Veterans Associations in northern localities of the province, including Phu Giao, Bau Bang, North Tan Uyen and Dau Tieng districts, continued maintaining and replicating effective models in association work.

Specifically, under the emulation movement of "Exemplary veterans", the cluster signed an implementation agreement with the theme of "United, exemplary, responsible, creative, effective", in association with the goals and tasks set out at the 7th rovincial Veterans Association congress and the "1 focus, 3 breakthroughs" policy. In 2023, the Veterans Associations of the districts further made acceleration on “studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morals and lifestyle; paid attention to building up a strong association in terms of politics and ideology.

In addition, the Emulation cluster of Veterans Associations in northern localities of the province jointly visited and donated gifts to young people joining the army; mobilized, admitted new members and maintained veterans’ clubs. They also coordinated with the Bank for Social Policies to review and disburse preferential loans while mobilizing contributions to association funds and interest-free loans, supporting more than 1,350 members for economic development.

In addition, the associations continued maintaining and replicating models, namely "Giving strength to school",  "Bright, green, clean, beautiful road", "Realizing  a civilized lifestyle in weddings and funerals", "Golden heart", "Close to the facility, close to members"...

Reported by Nhu Y-Translated by Kim Tin

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