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Encourage children to go to school

Update: 18-09-2023 | 11:46:13

 In the bustling atmosphere of the first days of the new school year, Youth Union organizations at all levels in the province have actively mobilized all resources to help disadvantaged pupils and students go to school.

Organizing Committee of the 11th "Cultivate dreams, build a future" program award 120 scholarships and gifts to students worth more than 360 million VND to support students going to school.

 “Cultivate dreams, step firmly into the future”

At the beginning of the new school year, understanding the family’s hardships, Kim Nhut Hoang, a student at Tran Binh Trong Junior High School, did not ask her parents to buy new books or school uniform. Her family is a poor household in Tan An ward (Thu Dau Mot city), and is having to rent a house.

The situation of Nguyen Tuan Kiet, a student at Tran Binh Trong Junior High School, is even more difficult. Since he was a child, he lacked the love of both father and mother. After the divorce, his father left, and the mother has also had her new family. The two Kiet brothers are helpless and can only rely on the love of their grandparents. His grandfather is 70 years old this year, has poor health, and has difficulty walking; the grandmother is also over 60 years old. Every day she harvests vegetables to sell at the market to earn money to take care of her young grandchild. But unfortunately, she recently had a traffic accident and is currently unable to work. Kiet has had kidney disease since he was a child, but his family situation was so difficult that he could not take medication regularly...

To support students in difficult situations like Kim Nhut and Tuan Kiet, Youth Union and HYPO of Thu Dau Mot City coordinated with Chanh Nghia ward Youth Union, Chanh Nghia Junior High School and Golden Lotus charity group to organize the 11th program "Cultivate dreams, step into the future" for the 2023-2024 school year. The organizers awarded scholarships and gifts to 120 students living in difficult circumstances in Thu Dau Mot City.

Accordingly, an elementary school student received a scholarship worth VND500,000, and high school student received a scholarship of VND1 million. In addition, they also received an English scholarship worth VND3 million along with backpacks, school supplies, biscuits, milk... For university students, a scholarship worth VND5 million was given to each student. In addition, the Program Organizing Committee also donated 10 sets of study tables and chairs to elementary and junior high school students that have particularly difficult circumstances...

Many support activities

Together with Youth Unions and HYPOs in the province, to welcome the new school year 2023-2024, branches under Youth Union of Binh Duong Power Company also organized visits and gave gifts to 9 students who are children of the company officials in the program "Foster Children of the Youth Union". Accordingly, the company's Youth Union presented school uniforms, scholarships and necessities with a total value of nearly VND10 million.

Nguyen Binh An, Secretary of the Grassroots Youth Union of Binh Duong Power Company, said: "The 2023 "Foster Children of the Union" program aims to support children to go to school in the first days of the new school year. This is one of the practical activities responding to the 2023 Pink Holiday Campaign, demonstrating the spirit and responsibility of youth in the care and education of teenagers and children to motivate and encourage them to overcome difficulties and achieve higher academic achievements."

In Phu Giao district, Phuoc Sang commune Youth Union coordinated with local Youth Activities Steering Committee to donate 21 school bags to students of Phuoc Sang Primary School and Kindergarten. Phu Giao District Youth Union and District Children's House also coordinated with Honda 67 Phu Giao Club to organize the program "Sharing love - Supporting school" for students in the area with a total expenditure of VND30 million.

In Thuan An City, Hung Dinh ward Youth Union also coordinated with Thuan An City Police Youth Union and Vietnamese Heart Charity Association to hold the program "Journey to support school" for students in the charity class of Hung Phuoc quarter. The two units presented 48 gifts including necessities, backpacks, notebooks and lanterns to students.

And there are many organizations, units and localities that have been organizing school support activities for students inside and outside the province. All for the common goal of helping children receive the most complete and decent care, leaving no child behind at the beginning of the new school year.

 Nguyen Thanh Thao, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Youth Union, said: "The school supporting program has not only contributed to realizing millions of small dreams of studious students but also called on the community, organizations and individuals contribute to the local study promotion movement. This is a very meaningful program, promptly sharing difficulties with students' families; motivate and encourage students to continue improving and achieving good results in their school...".

 Reported by Ngoc Nhu - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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