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Enhancing participation of female cardes in all-level Party committees

Update: 08-06-2024 | 13:07:55

Units and localities in the province need to pay more attention to planning and creating a constringent of female officers for leadership and management roles. Simultaneously, they must ensure comprehensive progress for women in all aspects and adequately safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. This will enable women to best fulfill their roles as citizens, workers, wives and mothers. This is also one of the key solutions to increase the participation of female officers in all-level Party Committees within the province as stated at provincial scientific workshop on "Enhancing the participation of female officers in Party Committees at all levels towards the 14th Party congress" held yesterday morning (June 7).

Creating favorable conditions for female officers

Speaking at the workshop, Prof. Dr. Le Van Loi, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, emphasized that the Party and the State have always identified "female cadre work as an important part of the Party's cadre work". Building and developing a solid contingent of female officers in line with the significant role of women is an objective requirement and an important element in the Party's cadre strategy. The participation of female officers in the management apparatus of the political system in general and particularly in Party committee, is crucial for the sustainable development of the country. In reality, the Party and the State have implemented numerous policies, guidelines, participated in international conventions and political commitments on gender equality.

An overview of provincial scientific workshop on "Enhancing the participation of female officers in Party Committees at all levels towards the 14th Party congress

“With the attention of the Party and the State,  the unified action throughout the political system from the central to  grassroots level, the work of female cadres in general and the participation of women in Party Committees at all levels in particular have achieved many significant accomplishments. The contingent of female officers participating in Party Committees at all levels has been given attention and favorable conditions for development", shared Prof. Dr. Le Van Loi.

In Binh Duong, the roles of women, female cadre work and gender equality saw remarkable improvement over the past time. Many major policies and directives to develop female cadres at all levels were addressed and issued through documents from the 8th, 9th and 10th provincial Party Congresses. The 11th provincial Party Congress reaffirmed: "Focusing on building a contingent of cadres at all levels with sufficient quality, capacity, and prestige, commensurate with their tasks with focus on boldly supplementing and incorporating planning in conjunction with rotation and appointment of successors to leadership and management positions, creating a resource of leaders, especially female ones..."

Nguyen Minh Thuy, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee and Head of provincial Party Committee's Organization Commission stated that concretizing the directives of provincial Party Committee, provincial Party Standing Committee has led, directed drastically. Along with the efforts by all-level authorities and sectors, there are currently 28,481 officials, civil servants, public employees and workers in the province, 69.29% of whom are female. The proportion of women participating in Party Committees at all levels for the 2020-2025 term is 1,073 out of 4,093 officers, accounting for 26.22% of total. The province has directed all-level authorities, sectors and localities to regularly focus on training and fostering female officials, civil servants and public employees, thereby continuously improving the quality of the female workforce.

Promoting the role of leaders

Sharing his experience in creating a resource of female cadres participating in Party Committees in Thu Dau Mot city, Nguyen Huu Thanh, Vice-Secretary of the city’s Party Committee and Chairman of the city’s People's Council stated that currently, the proportion of female cadres participating in the city's Party Committees at all levels is 30% or more and those holding key leadership positions from city to grassroots levels account for 23.08%. In general, the proportion of women holding leadership and management positions in Thu Dau Mot city has significantly increased compared to previous years.

Delegates attend provincial seminar on "Enhancing the participation of female cadres in Party Committees at all levels towards the 14th Party Congress"

According to Mr. Thanh, one of the decisive factors for increasing the participation of female cadres in Party Committees at all levels is to promote the role and responsibility of the heads of Party Committees and local government at all levels in leading, directing, propagandizing, thoroughly grasping and organizing the synchronized implementation of the contents of the Politburo's Resolution No. 11-NQ/TW. This includes provincial Party Standing Committee’s Action Program No. 56-CTHĐ/TU dated December 31, 2007 on women's work during the national period of accelerated industrialization and modernization and the Secretariat’s Directive No. 21-CT/TW dated January 20, 2018 on further promoting female cadre work in the new situation. These documents, along with related ones on women's work throughout the political system, should be propagandized among Youth Union members and people, creating high consensus in action. The consistent viewpoint is that women's work is the responsibility of the entire political system, each family, and the whole society.

At the workshop, Bui Thanh Nhan, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Commission affirmed that the work of female cadres has received significant attention from all-level Party committees and authorities with many positive changes, contributed to improving the quality of the province's female cadre contingent. This attention has also motivated female cadres to actively train and strive to fulfill their assigned tasks. In reality, female cadres have continuously honed their political qualities and improved their professional and technical skills, truly becoming shining examples in the "Good at work, good at home" movement. This creates favorable conditions for women to enhance their roles and positions in participating in the local socio-economic development. Additionally, the number and quality of female Party members have been steadily increasing.

However, according to Mr. Nhan, the current staffing level assigned to the province by the Government until 2026 is very low while the province's contingent of  cadres all levels must continue being streamlined and reduced under the central roadmap. This is a difficult issue for development if Binh Duong is not promptly considered and supplemented with the necessary staffing by the competent authorities, especially to continue adding to a resource pool of planned cadres, particularly female ones in the upcoming phase.

Speaking at the workshop, Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice Secretary of provincial Party Committee stated that the province has consistently paid attention to the work of female cadres. The structure in planning as well as the structure of titles and positions for female cadres in each subsequent term, is always higher than in the previous term. In the coming time, the province will continue implementing stronger measures to increase the participation of female cadres in Party Committees at all levels, focusing on effectively implementing the Secretariat’s Directive No. 21-CT/TW on continuing promote female cadre work in the new situation…

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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