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Environmental hygiene - responsibility of the whole of the community

Update: 20-03-2014 | 00:00:00

Burdens on environment and society are accompanied with rapid development of industry and urban areas. By responsibility and real vision, all level agencies and sectors have made the effort to grasp assistances from the Government, international organizations through ODA capital sources to build many works relating to environmental hygiene, community health's protection and sustainable development for the province. Ensuring clean water source Annually, on the dry season, especially in March and April fresh water source is inefficient seriously, owing to salt contamination. Realizing this status, leaders of Binh Duong Water Supply and Environment Company (Biwase) suggested the local administration to build 2 large water supply plants, meeting standard on A class clean water. Specifically, Thu Dau Mot city water plant has met demand of local residents and businesses in areas of Thu Dau Mot city, Ben Cat, Tan Uyen and Dau Tieng districts while Di An water plant has supplied clean water for people and companies in Thuan An and Di An towns and part of Thu Duc district of Ho Chi Minh City. To ensure clean water source, Biwase has invested in auto inspection system on 2 large rivers of Dong Nai and Sai Gon to inspect situation of salt contamination, aside from investing and building auto equipment and remote control. Thu Dau Mot city water plant director Pham Van Chien said that thanks to grasping rule of weather and cycle of salt contamination plus advanced technology, the plant has ensured an adequate supply of clean water for clients. Biwase general director Nguyen Van Thien added "the 2 large water plants have at present run out of their designed capacity, reaching 250,000 cubic meters per day and night. In addition, we had preparation in advance by developing water pipes covering urban and residential areas to assure clean water supply for people and businesses". Collecting and solving waste water well From ODA capital source of Japan and through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the provincial People's Committee asked Biwase to hold a role as the investor of Nam Binh Duong watse water treatment plant. The project's first phase has been completed with the capacity of 17,000 cubic meters per day and night. Master Nguyen Thanh Phong, director of the waste water treatment plant said that by advanced technology, wastes are extracted to produce compost fertilizer and the remaining process of waste treatment is sterilized by Chemical Scrubber technology and UV technology. All processes of waste treatment are closed and automatic, ensuring safety on smell, noise and other technical factors. Therefore, our plant is allowed to locate at residential area and near Sai Gon river. For a civilized and modern urban area Binh Duong's biggest success lies in turning wastes into useful products. Biwase collects more than 1,000 tons of wastes per day, ranking third in the country. After a categorization, wastes will be produced into compost fertilizer with a capacity of 420 tons per day. The fertilizer has met requirement of nutrition and been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Biwase general director Nguyen Van Thien added "Binh Duong has made the effort to develop into a civilized and clean and beautiful urban area to improve quality of living of the community. Initial successes are a large motivation for us to invest in facilities for dredging canals in a bid to pay back their initial beauty. It is necessary to have a civilized lifestyle to build an advanced urban area.                                                                                                  Reported by D.Chi - Translated by A.C

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