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Environmental self-managing team adds to spring touches

Update: 06-02-2024 | 13:16:03

In these days, when the land and sky are harmoniously creating colorful paintings, along with other localities in the province, the Party organization, government, and all classes of people in Thu Dau Mot City are also ready to welcome a new spring with joy and excitement. Especially, the vitality is increasingly vibrant with the infusion of sustainable living in residential areas through the participation of self-governing environmental protection teams and climate change response, helping urban areas to don a new, splendid and more beautiful appearance.

Members of the Self-managing Group for Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation in Ward 3 of Tan An district in Thu Dau Mot city participated in the cleanup of the office premises in the neighborhood

Civilization, clean and grean

At 7 a.m. on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, while many people were busy preparing for the Lunar New Year, cleaning their homes, on the streets, alleys, office buildings, religious establishments... hundreds of members of the Self-Governing Organization for Environmental Protection and Climate Change Response in Thu Dau Mot City carried out various activities to raise public awareness in maintaining environmental hygiene and building a green, clean, and beautiful landscape as the approaching Lunar New Year 2024. On N9 and N12 Roads of Neighborhood 3 in Hoa Phu ward of Thu Dau Mot city, dozens of members of the team have arrived early. Some are holding brooms, others are pulling trash bins, some are carrying shovels, and others are removing improperly placed advertisements and signs. They are cleaning and tidying up amidst laughter and lively conversations, making the whole area feel joyful as they contribute to making the streets cleaner and more vibrant.

Recorded on the roads in Ward 3, Tan An Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, here, the self-managed environmental protection teams have simultaneously launched activities to clean the environment; embellish, care for, and plant flowers and ornamental trees in residential areas to ensure that the roads meet the criteria of "civilized, green, clean, and beautiful", with no waste, and no unauthorized advertising or classifieds. On inter-district routes, the collection of solid waste has also been carried out in accordance with regulations by the assigned teams. The team members have actively participated in waste sorting at the source and promoted the proper disposal of waste, as well as the reduction of single-use plastic products.

Spring touches added

Mr. Huynh Van Thanh, Head of the People's Mobilization Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in Thu Dau Mot City, stated that: "In order to enhance propaganda efforts, mobilize and raise self-consciousness among all social classes to actively participate in the implementation of the 'Trash-Free City' plan and build Thu Dau Mot City as a 'civilized, green, clean, beautiful, and compassionate' city. The local Fatherland Front Committee has issued a plan to organize the implementation of activities before, during, and after the Lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival in January 2024. Accordingly, the mass organizations at all levels in the city will simultaneously launch activities with the 137 self-governing teams for environmental protection and climate change response in the city before, during, and after the Lunar New Year 2024 on the city's roads, alleys, and religious establishments.

The leaders of Thu Dau Mot city and Phu Hoa ward participate in the removal of illegal advertising billboards along the roads

In addition, we are also focusing on activities during the Lunar New Year Festival in 2024; launching the program "Festival of Love, Civility, and Cleanliness" and providing free motorbike taxi services for the Lunar New Year Festival in Thu Dau Mot city in 2024. From this plan, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees of the wards will mobilize members of self-management groups to participate in the self-management environmental protection team for the "Festival of Solidarity - Civilization - No litter" in 2024 during the festival. These teams will participate in the events of the Lunar New Year Festival, held in Phu Cuong Ward. The Chanh Nghia, Hoa Phu, and Hiep An wards have plans to ensure environmental sanitation at the local festival, Mr. Huynh Van Thanh added.

The spring is approaching, and the traditional Tet festival of the ethnic people is also drawing near. People of all ages, from the elderly to the young, are joining together to clean and tidy the streets, collect waste, and plant trees and flowers in front of their homes to embellish the homeland with more vitality. The flower flags are fluttering, banners and slogans celebrating the Party and the New Year are flying in the wind. The colors of spring seem to bring more vibrancy to a civilized and compassionate land.

Reported by Huynh Thuy – Translated by Vi Bao

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