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Exporters should improve competitive capacity

Update: 05-07-2013 | 00:00:00

Many difficulties

Owing to difficulties in economy, businesses’ production and business, especially exporters can not ward off obstacles and challenges. Pham Van Xo, chairman of Binh Duong provincial Export Association, said “When Vietnam joined in WTO, other developed countries were ready for all areas. At present, Vietnam’s legal foundation has yet to be strong and to keep pace with the ongoing economic situation. Amid difficult context and drastic competition, it is necessary to have an adequate legal system to ward off bad influences after applying technical barriers”.

Xo added that exporters have faced price hike of materials and decline of finished products. Therefore, local exporters have still faced difficulties compared with other exporters in the world. For small enterprises, most of them have yet to have design patterns and must depend on designs from clients. In addition, the State has yet to have supportive policies for them to build material facilities for environmental protection. As such, businesses have faced many difficulties in investments in this field.

Though the province has launched the Government’s instructions and measures to solve businesses’ difficulties in production and business, concrete guidance and implementation of all level agencies and sectors remain slow. Therefore, businesses’ production and business, especially small and medium enterprises remain difficulties.

Measures in need

In the first half of this year, the provincial industrial production reached a fair growth with advantages of export situation, decrease on lending interest rate and stabilized price of material source plus recovery of main importers such as the EU, US, Japan, Korea.

Nguyen Quang Vu, director of Nam Binh Co.Ltd., said “At present, clients have changed big orders from China to Vietnam. In addition, China does not care of manufacturing low income products and many other reasons”.

Assessing export market, Xo added “Vietnam’s traditional markets are relatively good. Presently, producers have cooperated together for the sake of common development”. Xo assessed “the traditional markets remain strong development up to 1-15 years ahead and orders will increase 10-15%. Some countries of the EU and Japan have implemented strong investments in Vietnam, this will create favorable conditions for export”.

Sharing measures for solving difficulties of businesses, Xo said “the State should give priorities in building legal system, every locality should assist businesses by applying standard sets into every item. Additionally, every locality should build a waste treatment center on environmental protection to help businesses feel secure in investment. Furthermore, it is necessary to have a center for material supply to minimize dependence on imported material source as well as to reduce products’ prices”.

Particularly, businesses need to build their trademarks and focus on manpower training to raise labor capacity. In addition, functional agencies should hold meetings and direct dialogues with businesses, reps of associations and sectors to solve timely investors’ difficulties.

Reported by P.An – Translated by A.C
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