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Exports hit US$19.2 billion in the first quarter

Update: 25-03-2011 | 00:00:00

Exports in the first quarter of this year are estimated to hit US$19.2 billion, up 33 percent compared to the same period last year, said Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Thanh Bien on March 24.

Imports reached US$22.3 billion, a 23 percent rise and leading the trade deficit to US$3 billion, equal to 15.7 percent of the country’s total exports.

In March alone, Vietnam earned more than US$7 billion from exports, up 26 percent and imports saw a 20 percent rise, reaching US$8.2 billion.

Products with high import value include machinery and equipment (more than US$550 million), petroleum (more than US$400 million), computer, electronic spare parts and steel (over US$230 million) and built-up export cars, gemstone and precious metals (US$230 million).

In addition to difficulties in input materials, instability in the region and the world and impacts from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan also affected export activities. The Ministry will focus on trade promotion activities to support businesses and association to carry out signed contracts in the first half of this year


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