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Farmers in Bau Bang get rich on their homeland

Update: 10-07-2023 | 17:49:06

In the 2018-2023 tenure, cadres, members and farmers of Bau Bang district’s Farmers’ Association constantly innovated, overcome all difficulties, promoted emulation movements, greatly contributing to the local socio-economic development,  thereby affirming that the association was really the core of farmers’ movements and the subject in new-style rural construction.

Uniting, helping each other develop

The whole district is now home to 10,780 households directly engaging in agricultural production. The district’s Farmers' Association manages 7 commune-level branches, with 5,783 members. During the last tenure, the district’s Farmers ‘Association gained many achievements. Many household and collective economic models brought high economic efficiency, helping the local farmers get well-off. Along with that, the district’s agricultural economy further developed in the right direction, with comprehension in all fields, contributing to the local overall economic growth, with agricultural production value reaching 6.49% in the local economic  proportion. The district also formed up specialized farming and concentrated animal husbandry areas towards high-tech, urban ecological and organic agriculture.

Leaders of the district and representatives of departments, sectors and localities visit a model on durian growing in Tru Van Tho commune

Over the past 5 years, the district’s Farmers' Association really promoted its pivotal role in patriotic emulation movements with many improvements and plentiful contents, including “Farmers emulating in new-style rural construction”, “Participating in maintaining national defense and security in association with the implementation of the campaign "All people uniting to build civilized urban and new-style rural areas", "Farmers emulating in good production and business, uniting to help each other get rich and reduce poverty sustainably”…

In addition, the model of "Good farmers helping the poor ones overcome difficulties" launched by the district’s Farmers ‘Association has got more and more effective. The model was started from 3 pilot communes of Long Nguyen, Hung Hoa and Tru Van Tho. So far, it has developed throughout the district. In addition, the district’s Farmers' Association has supported farmers with capital, plants, seeds, agricultural materials, science and technology transfer, etc. During the past 5 years, the district’s Farmers ‘Associations at all levels mobilized good farmers in production and business to help 671 disadvantaged households with 500 working days, more than VND3.7 billion in capital, 23,840 nurslings, 23,401 breeding animals to develop production and create jobs for hundreds of people.

Contributing to building new-style rural areas

In order to promptly innovate, improve the quality and effectiveness of the movement of farmers emulating in good production and business, the district’s Farmers' Association set up a plan to deploy, direct and guide its branches to mobilize farmer households to register to carry out the movement with 21,314 households registering. As a result, there were 19,260 households winning the title of good farmer in production and business at all levels over the past 5 years. The movement also became the focus of socio-economic life in the countryside. Many typical examples of farmers in production and business appeared, with the determination to rise up for wealth, forming up the economic model of households, cooperative groups, cooperatives, product processing and consumption under the value chain, bringing high economic efficiency.

Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet, Chairwoman of Bau Bang district’s Farmers' Association said that with the pivotal role in new-style rural construction, the association and its branches focused on propagandizing and mobilizing farmers to actively participate in building, maintaining and improving the quality of criteria. As a result, they mobilized the local farmers to contribute 567 working days, donate 17,850 square meters of land, 2,737 plants; repair and build roads in rural areas, solidify canals and sewers, support projects with an amount of over VND 1.2 billion... From the above actions, they made important contributions to the successful construction of all 6 communes meeting new rural standards. Among them, there were 3 communes meeting enhanced new-style rural standards.

She added that during the past 5 years, farmers in Bau Bang district united, innovated, were flexible and creative, overcoming many challenges, emulating in economic development and getting rich on heroic Bau Bang homeland. Many new economic movements and models, with prominence in the application of science and high technology, were formed and developed, bringing a new face to the local agriculture. In the 2023-2028 tenure, the district’s Farmers' Association will further promote the precious tradition, the spirit of solidarity, creativity, overcoming obstacles, successfully completing tasks, firmly being on the new way, building up a rich, beautiful and civilized Bau Bang district.

Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet, Chairwoman of Bau Bang district’s Farmers ‘Association: “The work of developing members and improving the quality of members was focused on. Many types of production groups and groups by industry and profession gathering farmers were also developed. In the last tenure,, Bau Bang district’s Farmers' Association developed 976 out of 800 new members, or 122% of the target. Every year, there were 100% of grassroots associations successfully completing their tasks, 97.67% and 86.2% of branches and groups winning strong titles, respectively...”.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by Kim Tin

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