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First-class Labor Medal, a common achievement for the local Fatherland Front bloc

Update: 04-12-2013 | 00:00:00

Provincial Fatherland Front Committee (FFC) yesterday forwarded its 10th conference for the 2009-2014 tenure and held a ceremony to receive the State President’s first-class Labor Medal. Attending the event were Truong Thi Ngoc Anh, Vice-Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee; Vu Minh Sang, former Permanent Deputy Secretary of provincial Party Committee, former Chairman of provincial People’s Council; leaders of provincial FFC over periods together with leaders of State agencies and mass organizations in the province.

Provincial FFC’s achievements recorded

Addressing the conference, Nguyen Thanh Liem, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Public Relations Committee said that receiving the State President’s first-class Labor Medal was a honor of the local Fatherland Front bloc and its member organizations. This was a valuable achievement to brace up the local Fatherland Front bloc to further reap good results in 2014 when Fatherland Front congresses at all levels would be organized towards the 8th National Fatherland Front Congress.

  Truong Thi Ngoc Anh, Vice-Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee (second left) awarding the mementoes “For the national great unity cause” to comrades Vu Minh Sang, Pham Van Canh, Tran Thi Kim Van.Delegates also expressed their delight at this information and saw it as a noble reward for the local Fatherland Front bloc and its member organizations to further focus on well realizing provincial Party Committee’s action programs on all aspects, especially in widely multiplying advanced models.

To gain the above achievement, according Tu Xuan Son, Vice-Chairman of provincial FFC, provincial FFCs at all levels in 2013 improved, diversified the propaganda and mobilization work among people from all strata; upheld the strength of national great unity bloc in the national defense and construction, especially the campaign of “Studying and learning late President Ho Chi Minh’s exemplary morals” on building and upholding the role of the Vietnam National United Front.

After three years of implementing the national target program on new rural construction, FFCs at all levels mobilized the combined strength of all people for new rural construction with more than VND36bln contributed. The province’s five pilot communes of the program on new rural construction completed all 19 criteria of the program in 2013, including Thuan An town’s An Son, Tan Uyen district’s Bach Dang, Ben Cat district’s Chanh Phu Hoa commune, Dau Tieng district’s Thanh An and Phu Giao district’s Tan Long commune.

Truong Thi Ngoc Anh, Vice-Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee spoke highly of the efforts by provincial FFCs at all levels and socio-political mass organizations in improving their operational content and form, well realizing patriotic emulation movements, especially the campaigns of “All people consolidate to build up a cultural lifestyle in residential areas”, “All people take part in defending national security”, “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods”.

Over the past time, the province also well realized the movements of “Paying debt of gratitude”, the “Day for the Poor”, especially support activities for people hit by natural disasters in the central and Highlands regions. The province organized 4 delegations to visit and provide relief aid of more than VND9.6bln for victims of natural disasters in the central and Highlands regions.

Huynh Van Nhi elected as Chairman of provincial FFC

At the conference, Huynh Van Nhi was nominated as a new chairman of provincial FFC. Pham Van Canh, Permanent Deputy Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Council, former of provincial FFC also sent his good sentiment to his successor and colleagues in the local Fatherland Front bloc.

Mr.Nhi expressed his delight when being elected as Chairman of provincial FFC. Under the instruction of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and provincial Party Committee, as Chairman of provincial FFC, he would continue instructing all staff of provincial FFCs at all levels to well realize 2014’s Fatherland Front tasks, prepare for FFC congresses at all levels.

It is known that provincial FFC in 2014 will also continue well realizing the education and mobilization work, promoting the strength of national great unity bloc to successfully implement the local targets on socio-economic development, national defence-security; brace up the local people to take part in emulation movements…

The conference also added 5 members into the 7th provincial FFC; awarded the mementoes “For the national great unity cause” to Vu Minh Sang, former Permanent Deputy Secretary of provincial Party Committee, former Chairman of provincial People’s Council; Pham Van Canh, Permanent Deputy Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Council, former Chairman of provincial FFC; Tran Thi Kim Van, Vice-Chairwoman of provincial People’s Council. Three mementoes “For the cause of taking care for the elderly and upholding their role” were also awarded at the conference.

Reported by Ho Van-Translated by K.T



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