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First day of new academic year gets joyful

Update: 29-08-2023 | 12:31:19

Yesterday (August 28), more than 548,000 students across the province eagerly participated in the first day of the new academic year with a bustling and excited atmosphere. They were well prepared by their families for the first day of the new school year. All schools created a friendly atmosphere to welcome students towards a new school year with new spirit and success.

Animated back-to-school day

From early in the morning, a bustling atmosphere existed in schools from preschools to high schools in the province. In Tan Uyen city’s Tan Phuoc Khanh ward, right from the early morning, functional forces were present to regulate traffic for parents to conveniently bring their children to school. At Tan Phuoc Khanh A high school, the whole school yard was filled with the laughter of students after 3 months of summer vacation.

Homeroom teachers of grade 1 at Tan Dinh primary school in Ben Cat town welcomes students for the new school year

Phan Van Truong, Principal of Tan Phuoc Khanh A high school said that in the 2023-2024 school year, the school has 80 classes with 3,490 students. Especially, there were 16 first classes. To prepare for the new school year, this year the school has improved its material facilities. All preparations for the new school year have been almost completed.

“In the first week of school, before officially entering the new school year with the opening ceremony on September 5, students have time to get acquainted with teachers and friends, participate in many learning activities and experiences. For grade 1, the school has arranged teachers with many years of experience in teaching grade 1 to act as homeroom teachers to help them quickly integrate into the new learning environment", said Mr.Truong.

Meanwhile, Vuong Tuong Van, homeroom teacher of class 1/5, Tan Phuoc Khanh A high school shared: "In recent years, the 1st graders have been quite brave and self-confident on the first day of the new academic school. Although some students are still shy, we always find ways to encourage and motivate them so that they can be happy and adapt to the new learning environment."

In Phu Giao district, the back-to-school day also took place with a joyful and exciting atmosphere. According to leader of the district's Division of Education and Training, in the school year of 2023-2024, the district basically remains stable in terms of the number of classes and students compared to last year. The material facilities of the schools are guaranteed to serve teaching and learning, with 100% of schools having 2 sessions a day. Teacher Vu Thanh Duong, Principal of Nguyen Trai secondary school in Phuoc Vinh town said that on the first day of the new school year, 100% of the school's students gathered. They are all happy and excited to go to school. On the first day of the new academic year, the school held activities at the beginning of the week and disseminated the school's regulations to the children. They mainly got acquainted with the school and classes and conducted the election of class officials…

Parents are nervous

On the first day of the new academic year, many parents, especially those whose children enter grade 1 arranged their work to be able to bring their children to school. Noticeably, many parents directly brought their children to the classroom, did not forget to encourage them to be confident in the new school year. Although it was almost noon and students settled into classrooms with teachers, many parents did not feel secure. Therefore, they tried to stay behind to monitor their children's situation.

In the bustling atmosphere of the first day of the new school year, Hoang Thi Lan from Tan Uyen city’s Tan Phuoc Khanh ward shared: “Although this year, she has entered the 2nd grade, on the first day of the new school year, I still feel worried. I and my daughter got up early to have breakfast and get ready to go to school. She is excited because she is about to see his friends again after a few months of separation. But, I am still worried and I hope this year she will still be self-confident in learning”.

And Cao Thi Thuy Hang from Binh Chuan ward in Thuan An city said that although this is the second year her child has gone to Hoa Mai 5 Kindergarten, she and her husband felt nervous like last year. “We gave him some mental and psychological encouragement last night. But this morning, he saw his friends crying, so he cried too. It may take a week for him to get used to the new school year. Now, I just want to to quickly pick up my son after school" said Hang.

The new school year is about to begin with the expectation of a good result in the work of "teaching letters, teaching people", building up classes of the future generations of useful citizens for the country. Smiles and joy were evident on the faces of teachers and students towards a fun, safe and effective new school year.

The province’s education sector has directed localities on the organization of the opening ceremony of the new academic year. Following the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training, this year's opening ceremony will be held briefly. However, there will still be some entertainment activities for students, helping them excitedly enter the new school year. Provincial Department of Education and Training has also established delegations to inspect preparation for the new school year at schools. As of now, all education-training divisions and schools in the province are ready for the first day and the opening ceremony of the new school year”. (Nguyen Thi Nhat Hang, Director of provincial Department of Education and Training).

Reported by Hong Phuong-Translated by Kim Tin

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