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Get-together for province’s Youth Union officials over periods held

Update: 26-03-2014 | 00:00:00

Early March 25, provincial Former Youth Union Officials’ Club held a get-together for Youth Union officials over periods.

Attending the get-together were Nguyen Thanh Liem, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Public Relations Committee and 200 former Youth Union officials over periods together with incumber Youth Union officials across the province.

The get-together took place in a warm atmosphere with many significant activities, including organizing an exchange with Youth Union officials; presenting 10 gifts worth between VND500,000 and VND1mln for Youth Union officials with difficult circumstances; awarding the mementoes “For young generation” to 3 outstanding individuals (photo) who have worked at provincial Youth Union…

Speaking at the get-together, Nguyen Van Loc, Director of provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said that this program was a chance for former Youth Union officials and incumber ones to meet, exchange and share mutual experience in Youth Union task, contributing to promoting the local Youth Union movements…

Reported by Thanh Le-Translated by K.T

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