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Get-together for Youth Union officials over periods in Ben Cat held

Update: 27-03-2014 | 00:00:00

Ben Cat district’s Youth Union, on March 26, held a get-together for Youth Union officials over periods to mark the 83rd founding anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931-March 26, 2014).

At the get-together, participants reviewed the glorious history of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union over the past 83 years. Upholding this glorious history, Ben Cat district’s Youth Union over time called for the local youth to make efforts in studying, voluntarily defend the nation, maintain political security and social order, contributing to successfully carrying out the Resolutions of the Youth Union congresses at all levels, the Resolution of the 10th Party congress of Ben Cat district.

Also on this occasion, 9 outstanding individuals were awarded the mementoes “For young generation”.

Reported by Huu Liem-Translated by K.T


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