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Get-together marks the 99th anniversary of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day

Update: 21-06-2024 | 11:10:02

Early June 20, a get-together was held to mark the 99th anniversary of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925 - June 21, 2024) and present the 2024 Nguyen Van Tiet Journalism Awards of Binh Duong province at provincial Convention and Exhibition Center. The get-together was attended by Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice Secretary of provincial Party Committee; members of provincial Party Standing Committee; leaders of provincial People's Council, provincial Fatherland Front Committee, departments, agencies and sectors in the province; leaders of press agencies along with numerous reporters, editors and journalists in and out of the province over periods.

At the get-together, Truong Thi Bich Hanh, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee and Head of provincial Party Committee's Propaganda-Education Commission delivered a speech reviewing the 99-year history of Vietnam's revolutionary journalism. She highlighted how Binh Duong-based press agencies have made many positive contributions in carrying out propaganda tasks, fostering social consensus and making important contributions to the local overall development... During the get-together, delegates watched a reportage introducing the Nguyen Van Tiet Journalism Awards, which have been organized nine times. This year's awards have been expanded in scale, value and the structure of awards across various categories. The quantity and quality of entries for the 2024 Nguyen Van Tiet Journalism Awards have significantly improved.

In his speech, Mr. Thao praised press agencies in and out of the province for their companionship with Binh Duong's development over the past time. He also congratulated the authors and groups of authors whose works have achieved high awards in national, regional press awards, and the 2024 Nguyen Van Tiet Journalism Awards. Mr. Thao urged press agencies to closely align with the province's political tasks to propose suitable and effective development tasks for press agencies; focus on propagandizing the work of Party and political system building, continuing inspiring the desire of making contributions among cadres, Party members, people and the business community…The province will actively share information with press agencies and work together to effectively achieve the goal of building the model of "Constructive government, accompanying businessesnand people's participation". Additionally, he encouraged press agencies to listen to and find solutions to facilitate their activities…

On this occasion, provincial leaders awarded the authors and groups of authors whose works won the 2024 Nguyen Van Tiet Journalism Awards, national journalism awards, awards organized by central and regional agencies between 2023 and 2024. Provincial Journalists Association also presented the "For the Cause of Journalism" mementoes to members and journalists who made significant contributions to journalism over the past years.

Reported by Minh Hieu-Translated by Kim Tin

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