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Get-together to celebrate 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day held

Update: 04-05-2023 | 17:16:08

Early May 3, provincial Club for Retired Cadres held a get-together to celebrate the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Unification Day (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2023), in attendance of Truong Thi Bich Hanh, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda and Education Commission.

Truong Thi Bich Hanh, Head of provincial Party Committee's Propaganda-Education Commission presents a flower basket to show gratitude to members of provincial Club for Retired Cadres

At the get-together, members of the club reviewed the heroic tradition of Binh Duong province’s soldiers and people in the cause of resistance war against the US to save the country; the offensive momentum to liberate the locality, liberate the South and reunify the country. Upholding the glorious revolutionary tradition, since April 30, 1975, the Party, government and people of the province have always united with one heart, joined hands to overcome difficulties and made good use of all resources to build Binh Duong into a province with industrial development; people's quality of life is improved; political security, social order and safety are always maintained; the great unity bloc of the whole people has been expanded, strengthened and promoted.

Speaking at the get-together, Mrs. Hanh expressed her wish that in the coming time, provincial Club for Retired Cardes will further maintain its activities to attract more retired cadres, being the common roof of retired cadres and Party members in the province. They will be always bright examples for their children & grandchildren and the current generation of young cadres to follow.

She also expressed her deep gratitude to the generations of the local officials who contributed to the strong development of Binh Duong over the past time while saying that young generations today continue inheriting those achievements, creating many imprints of the province's socio-economic development in the coming time.

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by Kim Tin

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